The 2013 Hollick Arvon Caribbean Writers Prize

Announcing The Hollick Arvon Caribbean Writers Prize for creative writers. Deadline for submissions is 30 September, 2012, at 6 pm (TT time).

Information from the Bocas Lit Fest site:

The Hollick Arvon Caribbean Writers Prize is an annual award which allows an emerging Caribbean writer living and working in the Anglophone Caribbean to devote time to advancing or finishing a literary work, with support from an established writer as mentor. It is sponsored by the Hollick Family Charitable Trust and the literary charitable trust the Arvon Foundation, in association with the non-profit organisation the Bocas Lit Fest.

The Hollick Arvon Caribbean Writers Prize will be offered annually, initially for the next three years, and across three literary genres: fiction in 2013, non-fiction in 2014, and poetry in 2015.

The Prize

The Hollick Arvon Prize, with a total value of £10,000 (approx. US$16,000), consists of:

1.    a cash award of £3,000 (approx. US$5,000)
2.    a year’s mentoring by an established writer
3.    travel to the United Kingdom to attend a one-week intensive Arvon creative writing course at one of Arvon’s internationally renowned writing houses
4.    three days in London to network with editors and publishers, hosted by Arvon, in association with the Free Word Centre and the Rogers, Coleridge & White literary agency.

The winner of the 2013 Hollick Arvon Caribbean Writers Prize will be announced in April 2013 at the NGC Bocas Lit Fest.


To be eligible for entry, a writer must:

1.    be of Caribbean birth or citizenship, living and working in the Anglophone Caribbean and writing in English
2.    be over the age of 18 by 30 September, 2012
3.    have had at least one piece of creative writing of no less than 2,000 words published.

How to enter

Each entrant may make only one submission for the 2013 Hollick Arvon Prize. Each submission must include:

1.    a maximum of 3,000 words from a work in progress which the Prize will allow the writer to advance or complete. This may be an excerpt from a novel or from a series of short stories
2.    an outline of the entire work in progress and how the writer plans to develop it
3.    a statement of no more than 500 words about why your work should be supported by this Prize
4.    a copy of up to two pieces of previously published creative writing (not exceeding 2,000 words each). An extract from a longer work is acceptable. State the date and place of publication and the name of the publisher
5.    a completed entry form

Note: all submissions should be typed with double spacing.

Submissions must be made electronically. Please send all submission materials attached to a single email addressed to [email protected]. The email subject line should read “Hollick Arvon Prize”.


The 2013 Hollick Arvon Prize opens for entries on 30 June, 2012. The closing date is 30 September, 2012, at 6 pm TT time. No late entries will be accepted.


The Hollick Arvon Prize will be judged by a panel comprising representatives of the Hollick Family Charitable Trust and the Arvon Foundation, an agent from the Rogers, Coleridge & White literary agency, and up to three representatives of the NGC Bocas Lit Fest. The Prize will be administered by the Arvon Foundation and Bocas Lit Fest, in conjunction with the Hollick Family Charitable Trust.

For any queries about eligibility requirements or the submission process, please contact the prize administrators at: [email protected]

Download the Prize guidelines and entry form here.