Special Issue on Michel-Rolph Trouillot

CALL FOR PAPERS (Full article due 30 March 2013)

The editors of the Journal of Haitian Studies seek essays that reflect on or build upon the work of Haitian scholar Michel-Rolph Trouillot (1949-2012). In analyses that combined anthropology, economics, and history, Trouillot’s work addressed the relationship between historicity and power, the epistemology of social sciences, and the historical evolution of Caribbean peoples. Contributors may want to consider the following topics:

❦ Assessing Trouillot’s legacy to the field of anthropology vis-à-vis Haitian Studies.
❦ Trouillot as a public intellectual and the politics of scholarship in Kreyòl.
❦ Tracing the connections and convergences between Trouillot and other Francophone and Caribbean thinkers, particularly in regard to the project of colonization and post-colonization.
❦ Capitalizing on Trouillot’s work in order to explain post-earthquake conditions in Haiti.
❦ Extending Trouillot’s comparative approach to Haitian history, not just to the Holocaust and the Alamo as Trouillot does in Silencing the Past, but to other historical contexts as well.

However, contributors are free to take up any aspect of Trouillot’s work as they see fit.

Essays should be 5,000-10,000 words and should follow the Chicago Manual of Style, 16th edition. The editors are also interested in shorter, more self-reflexive and meditative pieces. 

Submit your essay, cover sheet, and 150-word abstract to [email protected]. Queries should be directed to Claudine Michel or Adam Kaiserman at [email protected].

Submit articles by March 30, 2013.