16 November 2017
Aaron Davis Hall
City College of New York, CUNY
The Langston Hughes Festival has been in existence since 1978. Its mission is to celebrate and expand upon the literary legacy of the poet laureate of Harlem, James Langston Hughes . We award the Langston Hughes Medal to the most distinguished writers associated with the African diaspora. The medal is presented as the culmination of a day of salons, scholarly conferences and symposia in celebration of the legacy of Langston Hughes, as well as a creative performance in tribute to the honoree and an interview of and reading by the honoree. We also sponsor a Choral Speaking Festival for students grade K through 12.
12:30 – 3:30 pm
A Symposium on the work of Zadie Smith
Tracey, L. Walters, Ph.D., Kaitlyn Greenidge, Nicole Dennis-Benn and others discuss Smith’s writing and impact on writers and readers. RSVP here.
6:30 – 9:00 pm
Award Ceremony
Please join us as we present Zadie Smith with the Langston Hughes Medal in the culminating event of the Langston Hughes Festival. The evening will include a reading by Zadie Smith, a conversation between the honoree and writer and City College Professor Emily Raboteau, award presentation by Jacqueline Woodson and a special musical guest. RSVP here.
Image and text from Eventbrite webpages.