Spring/Summer 2018 Issue
Theme: “Gathering at the Waters: Connecting Family and Community through Literature and Art”
CFP Deadline: 19 January 2018
Cover and Table of Contents of Fall/Winter 2017 Killens Review
The theme of “Gathering at the Waters” connotes bringing together family and communities to
look at the ways in which we affect and are part of each other’s lives. For the upcoming issue of
the Killens Review of Arts & Letters, Spring/Summer 2018, we want to continue that
exploration of “connecting family through literature and art” in the works of writers of the
African diaspora. We seek submissions of creative nonfiction, fiction, essays, interviews, book
reviews, poetry, memoir, photography, and visual artwork on the subjects of family, community,
and unity in narratives that tell of healing, nurturing, cleansing, and reflection in the times we
live in.
The Killens Review of Arts & Letters is a peer-reviewed journal that welcomes the works of
poets, novelists, short story writers, playwrights, journalists, essayists, scholars, yet to be
discovered writers, and artists of the African Diaspora whose literature and artwork speak to the general public and to an intergenerational range of readers represented throughout the African Diaspora.
Please submit to only one category at a time: essay, fiction, interview, poetry, prose, and art.
We aim to respond to your submission within two months.
Please make sure the pages are numbered.
For Essays, Fiction, and Prose:
- Please send one piece at a time. We have no set maximum length or minimum length for
prose submissions. (The average word count is about 1,500–2,000 words.) Most
submissions, however, are between 2,000–4,000 words. - Please set up your submission in Microsoft Word format, letter-sized with ample
margins, double-spaced, using a standard typeface (e.g., Times New Roman, Helvetica,
Arial) and font size (12 point is best). - Include your name, title of the work, and page numbers on your submission.
- Also include a one to two sentence bio about the author.
- If the submission is an academic essay with references, please include your bibliography at the end.
- Please do not submit book manuscripts.
- For poetry, please send up to three poems.
Art and Photography:
We welcome all types of image submissions. Please include a short note about the context of the images and title and/or caption information. Please include no more than six hi-res jpegs (at 300 dpi).
Kindly send your submissions no later than January 19, 2018 to:
e-mail material to [email protected] and [email protected] with “Killens Review 2018” in the subject heading.
Or mail material to:
Killens Review of Arts & Letters
Center for Black Literature, Medgar Evers College
1650 Bedford Ave.
Brooklyn, NY 11225
Please include a brief introduction of yourself and of the work being submitted. On the first page of your submission be sure to include:
1. Your name
2. Telephone number
3. E-mail address
● Material will only be returned if the sender includes a self-addressed, stamped envelope
● The Killens Review of Arts & Letters is published by The Center for Black Literature (CBL) at
Medgar Evers College, of the City University of New York, 1650 Bedford Ave., Brooklyn, NY
11225; telephone: 718-804- 8883.
● Material in this publication may not be reproduced in whole or in part without permission.
Opinions expressed by contributors do not necessarily reflect the views of the CBL. The Killens
Review of Arts & Letters cannot be held responsible for unsolicited manuscripts, photographs,
or artwork.
Above text adapted from webpage.
Above image adapted from previous Killens Issue.