Publication | Small Axe 65

Small Axe 65 July 2021 is now available.

Table of Contents

Preface: The Duty of Criticism
David Scott

Human Rights, Humanitarianism, and “Failed” Nations: Haiti and Jewish Refugees in the 1930s
Nadège Veldwachter

Alternative soundscape paradigms from Kamau Brathwaite and Mighty Sparrow
Mark Harris

Her Name Was Doña Margot
César Colón-Montijo

The Dual Biopolitics in the Cuban Postplantation of Gloria Rolando’s Raíces de mi corazón/Roots of My Heart
Sarah Margarita Quesada

White Ethnic Minority in the United States Virgin Islands: Jews and Frenchies
Lomarsh Roopnarine

On Nancy Morejón’s Nación y Mestizaje en Nicolás Guillén
Guest editor, Antonio López

Introduction: Literature and the State in Nancy Morejón
Antonio López

Redefining Mestizaje: How Trans-Caribbean Exchanges Solidified Black Consciousness in Cuba
Devyn Spence Benson

Nancy Morejón, Nicolás Guillén, y el cimarronaje aún necesario en Cuba contemporánea
Odette Casamayor

Mujer nueva, Mujer negra: Performing Nation, Performing Race in the Poetics of Nicolás Guillén and Nancy Morejón
Aisha Z. Cort

Más yo resto: Una entrevista con Nancy Morejón
Vanessa Pérez-Rosario


The Nature of Ruins
Carol Sorhaindo

Book Discussion: Aaron Kamugisha, Beyond Coloniality: Citizenship and Freedom in the Caribbean Intellectual Tradition

Thinking Beyond Coloniality: Toward Radical Caribbean Futures
Mimi Sheller

Gender and the Americanist James
H. Reuben Neptune

Abduction and the Grounds of Caribbean Reasoning
Raj Chetty

Caribbean Freedom Beyond Coloniality
Aaron Kamugisha

Above adapted from the Small Axe Project website.