Call for Caribbean Fiction

CCC Press ( is showcasing new writing in English from around the world in their new series of country anthologies.  The World Englishes Literature (Fiction) series ( has so far published anthologies of stories from Cameroon, Nigeria, Uganda, Kenya and Malaysia. The anthologies focus on the production of new writing (unpublished) in English or local Englishes, which is edited and presented with a critical introduction.  This is a call for the projected collection from Jamaica, the Bahamas, Trinidad and Tobago, and Barbados.

Please send submissions by email to Tiffany Austin  [email protected] attached as a Microsoft Word document (Word count: 3000-8000 words).

Publication date: 1 July 2014

Message adapted from email announcement.

2 thoughts on “Call for Caribbean Fiction”

  1. Hi, Is there a particular reason you are leaving out the rest of the English speaking Caribbean?

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