Brand Jamaica Edited Volume

CFP Deadline: 5 January 2018

We are seeking submissions for consideration for publication in the volume “BRAND JAMAICA”: Re-Imagining Jamaica’s National Image & Identity (under contract with University of Nebraska Press).

The volume offers a critique of the existing models within which Jamaica’s global image is framed. As Jamaica recognizes more than half a century as an independent nation, the time is apt for Jamaican authorities to interrogate, deconstruct and re-imagine how they constitute the nation’s public image, and the way they project the nation in the world. The volume offers such a rethinking. It problematizes the current tourism model of “sun, sand and sea”, particularly within the context of post-coloniality, and examines the ways in which it excludes and obscures other crucial aspects of Jamaica’s public international image and ignores the unintentional images, vistas, and stereotypes it creates. The primary aim of the volume is to highlight some of the problematic aspects of Jamaica’s nation branding project and advocate for a paradigmatic shift in the model of nation branding Jamaica undertakes – one which is more comprehensive, complete, and offers a critical articulation of the nation that locates the Jamaican people at the center and acknowledges, if not addresses, the realities of Jamaica.

To be considered for inclusion in the volume:

  • Please send complete papers to editors Dr. Kamille Gentles-Peart (Professor of Communication and Media Studies at Roger Williams University) at [email protected] and Dr. Hume Johnson (Professor of Public Relations at Roger Williams University) at [email protected] by January 5, 2018
  • Use “Brand Jamaica” in the subject line
  • Papers must be 20 – 25 pages in length (or roughly 7000 words).

Special consideration will be given to submissions that address the following themes:

  • Creative industries (such as music and the arts) and Jamaica’s brand
  • Sports as a means of nation branding
  • Intellectual property and Brand Jamaica

Above text adapted from webpage.