Maroons, Indigenous Peoples, and Indigeneity

19-23 June 2015
Charles Town, Portland, Jamaica

CFP deadline: Abstracts due by 15 March

The Seventh Charles Town International Maroon Conference invites papers that explore the relationships between place and tradition in Indigenous and Maroon communities around the globe.

Held in the Maroon community of Charles Town surrounded by Jamaica’s Blue and John Crow Mountains, this interdisciplinary conference will explore issues, values, and practices of Maroons and indigenous peoples as well as ideas about marronage and indigeneity to consider the ways they have endured, transformed, and resonated in the Caribbean, Canada, Australia, South America, Europe, the United States, and Africa. The conference offers a unique combination of scholarly panels and cultural events in fields that include history, linguistics, art, literature, film, sociology, ethnography, ethnomusicology, geography, legal studies, gender studies, religious studies, cultural studies, and indigenous studies.

Issues to consider might include:

  • Land Rights
  • Indigeneity
  • Territoriality
  • Marronage
  • Representation
  • Language and Literature
  • Identity
  • Space/Place
  • Sustainability
  • Dispossession and landlessness
  • Cultural heritage
  • Laws and legality
  • Music
  • DNA
  • Education

Please send abstracts of 250-300 words by 15 March or inquiries to: [email protected] or [email protected].

Above adapted from emailed announcement.