Impunity, Responsibility and Citizenship – HAITI

A Colloquium organized by The Henri Peyre French Institute with the support of Fondasyon Konesans Ak Libète (FOKAL)

17 March 2016
City College Center for Worker Education
25 Broadway, 7th Floor
NY, NYC 10004


18 March 2016
The Segal Theatre at The Graduate Center, CUNY
365 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10016 USA

Keynote Speakers: Etienne Tassin (Université Paris-Diderot) and William O’Neill (CPPF – Social Science Research Council)

All Events Free and Open to the Public (though Government-issued IDs required for building entrance)


Colloquium Program



Thursday, 17 March 2016 

09:30 Welcome

10:00 Overture

Francesca Canadé Sautman, Director, Henri Peyre French Institute

Opening Speech
Michèle Duvivier Pierre-Louis, President, FOKAL

10:30 Panel 1.Impunité et Histoire, Histoire de l’Impunité

                            Impunity and History, Impunity in History

Moderator: Francesca Canadé Sautman

Florence Gauthier
Comment prendre en compte l’exclusion du peuple dans l’histoire de l’Indépendance haïtienne?

Laënnec Hurbon
Les sources historiques et anthropologiques de l’impunité en Haïti

Vertus Saint-Louis
Autour de l’assassinat de Dessalines: un document révélateur.

12:00 Lunch

13:30 Panel 2Impunité, Agir politiquement/ Impunity, Acting politically

Moderator: Michèle Montas

Nathalie Lamaute-Brisson
De l´impunité à la lutte contre l’impunité. Pour l´instauration de nouveaux rapports au passé

Danièle Magloire
Libérer Haïti de l’impunité

Jocelyn McCalla
“Koupe tèt boule kay” and “Rache manyòk bay tè a blanch”: Haiti’s guiding principles

Alrich Nicolas
Figures de l’impunité, oblitération de la mémoire et mise en scène de la réconciliation dans l’Haïti contemporaine

15:00  The Forum On Impunity/ Le forum sur l’Impunité en Haiti

Michèle Montas & Jasmine Claude Narcisse
Impunité en Haïti et opinion publique. État des lieux ?

15 :30            Book Presentation and Signing

Michèle Pierre-Louis & Etienne Tassin
De la Dictature à la Démocratie ? – Proceedings of the colloquium of the same title held in Port-au-Prince, Haiti in June 2014

16:00 Break

16:30             Projection & Discussion

Jacques Stephen Alexis: Mort Sans-sépulture
A documentary by Arnold Antonin

Panel 3: Arnold Antonin, Thomas Spear, J-Pierre Richard Narcisse


Friday 18 March 2016


9:30   Welcome

10:00 Panel 4Impunité, Agir politiquement/ Impunity, Acting politically  

                           Le dossier de la République Dominicaine/ The DR Dossier

Moderator: Kiran Jayaram

Sophia Cantave
Se Mѐt Kò ki Veye Kò:” Resisting the Terror of Statelessness in the Dominican Republic and on the Haitian Border.

Sophie Maríñez
The Perejil Massacre in the Dominican Republic and its Sequel in the 21st Century: Impunity and Responsibility

11:00 Panel 5Impunité, Droits de la personne et procès en justice/ Impunity, Human Rights and Procedurial Justice

Moderator: William O’Neill

Allen Kim
Between Reformism and Repression: The History of the Local Human Rights Movement in Haïti

Michèle Montas
Opinion publique, volonté politique et les procès de l’après Duvalier/Public opinion, political will and some post Duvalier trials.

Pascal Paradis
The Duvalier Case: Emblematic, Indispensable and Far From Over /Le cas Duvalier: emblématique, indispensable et loin d’être terminé.

12:30      Lunch

14:00    Keynote panel

Moderator & Respondent: Michèle Duvivier Pierre-Louis

William O’Neill
Ending Impunity in Haiti: how can international law help?

Etienne Tassin
Responsabilité personnelle et dictature

15:30     Break

15:45     Panel 6.  Dire (contre) l’impunité / Speaking (Against) Impunity. Narratives 

Moderator: Jasmine Claude Narcisse

Nathan Dize
Acting Political/Political Action: Antoine Innocent, Fin-de-Siècle Haitian Theater, and Nord Alexis

Katia Gottin
Paroles déchues: crise du processus testimonial en Haïti.

Régine Joseph
Paradoxes of the Responsible Citizen: Impunity in Roumain, Alexis and Chauvet

17:15 Panel 7Impunity et Mémoire / Impunity and Memory 

Moderator: Domna Stanton

Kesler Bien-Aimé
Les régimes mémoriels du duvaliérisme

Yvanne Joseph
Talking Back: Narrative Expressions of Life under Papa Doc’s Reign

Ayanna Legros
Radio Song: Haitian Exiles, Political Activism, and the Fight for Human Rights

Célia Romulus & Yasmine Djerbal
Rumour and Artistic Performances as Forms of Testimony – Between Disciplining the Body and Collective Healing in Algeria and Haiti.

18:15             Closing Remarks

18:30             Reception