Race and New York in the twentieth century

New York History: A Quarterly Journal of the New York State Historical Association, invites submissions for an issue devoted to race and New York in the twentieth century.

Submission deadline: 15 November 2013. Submissions to be submitted electronically to [email protected]

All papers based on the general topic of race and New York in the twentieth century will be considered. Especially welcome are essays examining understudied histories of race and New York, articles complicating the black/white dichotomy, studies on race outside of New York City, emerging and exciting historiographies, including whiteness studies, black power studies, and civil rights activism before Brown, as well as histories shedding light on pressing social issues in our time, such as immigration, mass incarceration, institutional racism, affirmative action, to name a few. Essays analyzing shifts in conceptions and applications of race and racism are also desirable.

Over the course of the twentieth century, New York State racially diversified, reflecting a national shift. The white population percentage, which had persisted in the 97th or 98th percentile since 1820, had fallen to 74.4 percent in 1990. The sudden immigration into New York State of African Americans over the first seven decades of the twentieth century and Latinos and Asian Americans during the final three decades produced a fascinating racial history. New communities were developed. New cultures were introduced. New voices and perspectives were heard. New forms of grievances emerged. New bands of activists and new brands of activism came to the fore. Like everywhere else in the United States, New York was always becoming new, but race stood, along with other key factors, at the apex of this newness in the twentieth century. As historians remember and honor the 150th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation and the 50th anniversary of the climax year of the Civil Rights Movement, New York History is poised to examine race and New York in the twentieth century.

Special issue editor: Ibram X. Kendi (formerly Ibram H. Rogers), assistant professor of Africana Studies at University at Albany – SUNY.

New York History (ISSN 0146-437X) is published four times a year by the New York State Historical Association and the State University of New York at Oneonta. Articles, ranging from 4,500 to 6,000 words in length, should be typed, double-spaced, and submitted with double spaced endnotes conforming to the Chicago Manual of Style. The deadline for submission to this special issue is November 15, 2013. We ask authors to submit manuscripts electronically to:

The New York State Historical Association
Publications Department
c/o Caitlin Miosek, Publications Assistant
PO Box 800
Cooperstown, NY 13326
[email protected]

Above adapted from full CFP available here.