A special double issue of e-misférica, a journal produced by Hemispheric Institute for Performance and Politics journal. This special issue is curated by Gina Athena Ulysse

VOLUME 12 | ISSUE 1 | 2015
From the introduction by guest editor, Gina Athena Ulysse:
Resist the impulse to translate, pronounce it first. Think consciously of the sound. Let the arch of the r roll over the ah that automatically depresses the tongue; allow the hiss in the s that will culminate at the front of the teeth to entice the jaw to drop for the an sound while un-smacking the lips will propel the bl surrounding the depressed ah again ending with j. Play with its contours. Know what this word feels like in your mouth. In Haitian Kreyòl. 3 syllables. Ra-San-Blaj.
The issue forms a multimedia project that includes a cross-section of scholars and artists from the Caribbean and its diaspora. The TOC, with links to the included pieces, can be found here. A French version of the introduction can be found here.