Afro-Latin@ Diasporas Book Series

Book Series: Afro-Latin@ Diasporas
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan (

Series Editors: Miriam Jiménez Román, Natasha Gordon-Chipembere and Edward Paulino


The Afro-Latin@ Diasporas book series aims to gather scholarly and creative writing on the African diasporic experience in Latin America, the Caribbean and the United States. We publish between 2-3 books annually, since our inception in 2013.

The Editors welcome book-length unpublished manuscripts addressing all aspects of Afro-Latin@ life and cultural expression throughout the hemisphere, with a strong focus on U.S. Latin@s of African descent. We will also consider relevant work on the transnational Brazilian and Haitian experiences. We will be considering manuscripts in any and all humanities and social science disciplines, as well as a wide range of interdisciplinary approaches. The peer-reviewed Series will also include fictional and poetic work, though the emphasis will be on critical historical and sociological analysis on a broad range of topics including religion, history, literature, theory, biography and scholarship in sociology, politics and economics. We especially welcome works on issues of class, gender and sexuality, in addition to studies of the transnational Afro-Latin@ experience. Doctoral dissertations must be converted into manuscript format in order to be considered.  We will not consider manuscripts that have been submitted to multiple publishers simultaneously.

Publications are in English, but we also will consider book proposal in Spanish (subject to the author securing resources for full manuscript translation into English). The Series editors are pleased to consider book proposals. The proposal must include your name, title, institutional affiliation (if applicable), and contact information as well as a 3-4 page prospectus, Table of Contents, Submission Timeline and a sample chapter.

The Series editors take between 6-10 weeks for manuscript and proposal review before decisions are made to send the work further to Palgrave for peer-review and contract consideration.

Please send all enquiries to the editors at:  [email protected]