Reading Cuba

Reading Cuba: An Interdisciplinary Conference on Cuban and Cuban-American Literature

Florida International University
9-10 November 2016
CFP deadline: 1 September 2016

lorca word cloud

Call for Papers

The Department of Modern Languages and the Cuban Research Institute at Florida International University cordially invite submissions to Reading Cuba: An Interdisciplinary Conference on Cuban and Cuban-American Literature. This event will take place at FIU’s Modesto A. Maidique Campus on 9-10 November 2016.

Moving beyond the study of literature as an isolated cultural product, this conference proposes to examine the relationships and complex connections between culture and social praxis in Cuban and Cuban-American literature. In the spirit of reading literary texts from an interdisciplinary perspective in their relations with other disciplines, the aim of this conference is to reevaluate Cuban texts as spaces of interactions where aesthetic, social and cultural elements collide.

Topics may include but are not limited to:

  • Race, migrations and ethnicity in Cuban and Cuban-American literature
  • Diasporic Cuba: authors, intellectuals and artists of the 19th, 20th and 21th centuries
  • Cinema and literature in Cuba and the diaspora
  • Translation and literature. Challenges and controversies
  • Cuban literature and Caribbean narratives
  • Feminism in the context of Cuban and Cuban-American literature
  • Literary representations of gender relations
  • Popular culture and literary representations
  • Literature, plastic arts, visual narratives. Interdisciplinary approaches
  • Historical approaches to colonial, republican, and post-revolutionary literature and culture
  • U.S.-Cuba relations in Cuban literature and the arts
  • Linguistic studies in literature
  • The fantastic in Cuban and Cuban-American literature and the arts
  • Queer approaches to Cuban and Cuban-American literature
  • Exile and memory in Cuban and Cuban-American literature
  • The configuration and transformation of the literary canon in and out of Cuba
  • Cuban-American and Latino literature in the United States

Scholars, graduate students, specialists, and others interested in the study of the Cuban culture should submit their proposals to [email protected] by 1 September 2016. Abstracts should be single-spaced and should not exceed 250 words. Be sure to include the paper’s title, author’s name, institutional affiliation and email address as well as a brief biography. All presentations will have a 20-minute limit. Proposals for panels with a maximum of three presentations will be accepted too. Papers may be presented in Spanish or English. The selection committee will respond to proposals by September 15, 2016.

Registration fees: Participating faculty and independent scholars $100, Students and General Public $35. Click here for registration form.

Cosponsored by the African and African Diaspora Studies Program and the Modern Languages Graduate Student Organization.

Above adapted from event website.

Image from University of Miami digital collections website.