sx salon 25

Announcing the newest issue of sx salon.

sx salon, issue 25
June 2017

Table of Contents

Introduction and Table of Contents—Kelly Baker Josephs


The Silences, too, Deserve a Place—Warren Harding
A review of The Grenada Revolution in the Caribbean Present: Operation Urgent Memory, by Shalini Puri

On Inheritance and Reinvention—Kristina Huang
A review of Even in Paradise, by Elizabeth Nunez

A Question of Home—Sophie Harris
A review of Leaving by Plane, Swimming Back Underwater, and Other Stories, by Lawrence Scott

The Haitian Revolution in Caribbean Literature: A Synechdochal Study—Megan Jeanette Myers
A review of Prophetic Visions of the Past: Pan-Caribbean Representations of the Haitian Revolution, by Víctor Figueroa

Representing the Unthinkable: The Haitian Revolution in Print—Erin Zavitz
A review of Tropics of Haiti: Race and the Literary History of the Haitian Revolution in the Atlantic World, 1789–1865, by Marlene Daut


Statement on Digital Literature—Rosamond S. King
The Man Who Took Up All The Space—Katherine Atkinson
In the Laundry Room—Cynthia James


Patrick Chamoiseau, translated by Charly Verstraet and Jeffrey Landon Allen
Anu Lakhan
Rosamond S. King