Adjunct positions in African Diasporic studies

The Department of Africana & Puerto Rican/Latino Studies Department at Hunter College is seeking to hire adjunct instructors to teach the following courses during the Spring 2015 semester:

African American History I (Tues. & Thurs 5:35-6:50)
Survey of historical experiences of African people in U.S. from the African heritage to end of the Civil War

Introduction to Black Politics (Mon. & Thurs. 11:10-12:25 PM).
General survey of politics of African world with major emphasis on African American politics

Caribbean Literature (Mon. & Wed. 5:35-6:50 PM)
Introduction to the historical development and major artistic preoccupations of Caribbean literature.

Introduction to Hip Hop Culture and History (Mon. & Wed.7:00-8:15 PM)
Explores the cultural, social, political and economic impact of the genre

Applicants should email cover letter and vitae to:
Anthony P. Browne Ph.D.
Department of Africana & Puerto Rican/Latino Studies
Hunter College The City University of New York
[email protected]