Eccles Centre Visiting Fellowships

Application Deadline: 4 January 2019

These awards are offered to help support individuals wishing to visit London to use the British Library’s collections relating to North America (the USA, Canada and the greater Caribbean).

We are keen to hear from all kinds of serious researchers who have the potential to produce something new, exciting, challenging and different as a result of their research into the North American collections of the British Library. We therefore welcome not only applicants from academic backgrounds working on scholarly research, but also from creative practitioners working on artistic and cultural projects. This means that research towards a doctoral degree, an academic monograph or article, a poetry collection, a theatre production, a body of painting or sculpture, a new fashion collection…all these kinds of projects and more will be considered. Funding is available to individuals based in the UK, Europe, Canada, the United States and the greater Caribbean.

It is worth noting that applications will be considered on all subjects covered by the Library’s North American collections. However, the Centre also operates a set of research priorities each year. These priorities are not exclusive; instead they are intended to promote areas of strength in the Library’s collections. For the 2019 awards, applications are encouraged that consider topics in the fields of:

  • North American and Caribbean Indigenous Studies
  • Literary, theatrical and artistic connections in Canada, the Caribbean and the U.S.
  • Book history and arts in North America
  • Pacific Ocean politics and geopolitics
  • Migration in/from/through Canada, the Caribbean and the U.S.
  • LGBTQ cultures and histories in Canada, the Caribbean and the U.S.

How much are the Fellowships, and how long do they last?

Applicants may apply for up to the following amounts, depending on where they are based:

  • North America – max. £2,500
  • Mainland Europe – max. £2,250
  • The UK (outside M25) – max. £2,000
  • The UK (within the M25) – max. £600

It is expected that this award will support around a month’s work in the Library, either taken continuously, or as a number of smaller trips. The awards last for 2 years so the research trip(s) will need to take place between April 2019 and March 2021.

How do I apply?

Applications should be made directly to the Eccles Centre for American Studies at [email protected]. Please indicate the name of the award in the subject line.

For more information, click here. The call for applications for the 2019 awards will begin on 1st October 2018 and all applications must be submitted by 17:00 GMT on 4th January 2019.

Applicants should supply the judging panel with:

  • a CV (no more than two pages)
  • a supporting statement outlining the nature of your project, how you intend to use the British Library collections, and what you anticipate the output of this research will be (no more than 1,000 words)
  • a forecast of planned costs (travel, accommodation, subsistence) and the total amount being applied for
  • if you feel it is relevant and will help support your application, you may also include a portfolio or samples of your work

Applicants will be informed of the panel’s decision before the end of March 2019.

Above text and image adapted from webpage.

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