sx salon: a small axe literary platform

The Small Axe Project has recently launched sx salon: a small axe literary platform, a new electronic publication dedicated to literary discussions, interviews with Caribbean literary figures, reviews of new publications (creative and scholarly) related to the Caribbean, and short fiction and poetry by emerging and established Caribbean writers. sx salon also houses the Small Axe Literary Competition, launched in 2009.

sx salon represents both a new project and a continuation of the Small Axe Project’s ongoing affirmation of the literary as a critical component of Caribbean cultural production. We envision this space as an open source, easily accessible, online resource for students, teachers and scholars, as well as a forum for academics in the field to consult for announcements related to Caribbean literary studies.

sx salon publishes a new issue every two months and invites year-round submissions of:

  • Literary Discussions that engage issues relevant to Caribbean literary studies: 2,000 – 2,500 words
  • Book Reviews of recent (published no more than two years preceding the date of submission) creative literary works by Caribbean authors or scholarly works related to Caribbean literary studies: 1,000 – 1,200 words
  • Interviews with Caribbean literary figures: 2,000 – 2,500 words
  • Poetry and Short Fiction that engage regional and diasporic Caribbean themes and concerns: up to 2 poems or fiction of up to 4,000 words

Submissions must be accompanied by a short bio approximately 50 words, which should include information about the author’s location (institutional, geographical, etc.), and publications. Manuscripts should not contain any information about the author. Please include name, email address, phone number and, if applicable, institutional affiliation with the accompanying bio

Please visit for more detailed guidelines for submissions.


ALL inquiries and submissions must to be sent electronically to the following addresses:

35th Annual Conference of the Society of Caribbean Studies

International Slavery Museum, Albert Dock, Liverpool
Wednesday 29th June – Friday 1st July 2011

The Society for Caribbean Studies invites submissions of short abstracts of 250 to 400 words for research papers on the Hispanic, Francophone, Dutch and Anglophone Caribbean and their diasporas for this annual international conference. Papers are welcomed from all disciplines and can address the themes outlined below. We also welcome abstracts for papers that fall outside this list of topics, and we particularly welcome proposals for complete panels, which should consist of three papers. Continue reading 35th Annual Conference of the Society of Caribbean Studies

The Caribbean Epistemologies Symposium, April 15, CUNY Graduate Center, NY


The Caribbean Epistemologies seminar at the CUNY Graduate Center will be holding a one-day symposium on April 15, 2011.  We invite submissions of paper presentations from seminar registrants and CUNY faculty and graduate students working on projects related to Caribbean Studies.  Continue reading The Caribbean Epistemologies Symposium, April 15, CUNY Graduate Center, NY

MELUS 2011

From Rafe Dalleo at FAU: 

Proposals for the MELUS conference to be held at Florida Atlantic University in April 2011 are due by November 15th. The theme of the conference is “Ethnic Canons in Global Contexts,” and there should be a strong Caribbean studies component to the conference since the Association of Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies is co-sponsoring the event. 250-word abstracts can be sent to  [email protected].

The full CFP: MELUS Call For Papers 2011-2