Caribbean Philosophical Association Conference, deadline extended

From Nelson Maldonado-Torres, CPA President:

This is to let you know that we have extended the deadline for submitting paper, panel, round table, and workshops proposals for the CPA 2012 conference at the University of the West Indies, St. Augustine to this coming Wednesday April 4th.  The original deadline was tomorrow March 31st.  The conference will be on July 19th to 21st.  News of accepted proposals will be sent by April 22nd.

Proposals can be submitted in multiple areas, including, epistemology, phenomenology, race and gender analysis, slavery, liberation, decoloniality, women of color feminism, political thought, and arts, literature, and the aesthetic, among others.

The CPA 2012 conference is sponsored by the Department of Liberal Arts and the Office of the Deputy Principal at the University of West Indies, St. Augustine, in Trinidad.  The main organizer is Dr. Paget Henry, Brown University.

Confirmed participants include:  Mireille Fanon Mendès France, Lewis R. Gordon, Jane Gordon, Paget Henry, Charles Mills, Michael Monahan, Catherine Walsh, and Nelson Maldonado-Torres, among others.

For more information go here: