Radical Caribbeans / Los Caribes Radicales



Radical Caribbeans / Los Caribes Radicales: Repositioning Caribbean Life

Conference on Identity, Culture and Social Practices
October 3-5, 2013
Cuban and Caribbean Studies Institute, Tulane University
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

CFP deadlines: Abstracts due by 15 June 2013; Notification by 5 July 2013.

(From The Cuban and Caribbean Studies Institute at Tulane University)

Read the official Call for Papers (PDF) here.

We welcome papers that address any facet of the Caribbean radicalis and radical approaches to Caribbean identity, culture and social practices. Papers may focus on one country or invoke comparative strategies of any regions contained in the greater Caribbean, beyond the confines of the Caribbean sea, northeast of the Florida straits and into the Gulf of Mexico to New Orleans, and south, along the Atlantic coast, past Venezuela, Colombia and Brazil. Papers may be in English, Spanish, French or Portuguese, though English is preferred.

If you are interested in participating, please send a 250 word abstract as an attachment to either of the email addresses listed below by June 15th, 2013. Include the title of your paper, your name (and the names of any co-presenters), institutional affiliation, phone number, mailing and email address. Papers for presentation should be no more than than 20 minutes and may be considered for publication. If submitting a panel for consideration, please include a top sheet with panel title, participant names and a brief abstract of the panel topic in addition to the individual paper proposals.

Notification of acceptance to the conference will be made by July 5, 2013.

For more information on the conference, location and arrangements, visit the Cuban and Caribbean Studies Institute website for updates.

Submit abstracts by June 15 to:
[email protected]
[email protected]