Language Speaks Us

Language Speaks Us: Language(s) and Identity
The College English Association—Caribbean Chapter Conference
University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez
14-15 March 2014

CFP deadline: abstracts (100-200 words) due by 30 September 2013 to [email protected]

The College English Association—Caribbean Chapter welcomes proposals for presentations in English (20-minute papers) for their 2014 conference, which will be held at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez, on 14-15 March 2014. This event will be an opportunity to discuss the ways in which texts are conceived, nurtured and produced, and received by the public, in both historical and contemporary contexts. “Text” is to be interpreted broadly and comprises literature, nonfiction, essays, advertisements, maps, music, film, poetry, tweets, visual and performing arts, facebook posts, SMS and IMs, and many other tracts. Conference papers will be considered for publication in a volume of essays.

Possible topics, among others:

-Literary Canon(s) and Community Identity
-Chicano, Nuyorican, and Latino Literatures
-Mono/Multilingualism, Authenticity, and Identity
-Multilingual Literatures
-Language-Education in Multicultural Classrooms
-Institutional Hierarchies and Language Policies
-Language and Community
-Language and Coding in Transnational Texts
-Contact Zone, Borderlands, and Languages
-Code-Switching, Language Transfer
-Language in Construction of Multiple Histories
-Resistance and Domination through Language
-Multi or Mono-Linguistic Policies in Public Spaces (signs, monuments, documents)

Papers may investigate the cultural, social, and political interactions of the humanities, social sciences, and technology, as they relate to the production of texts that involve how language is used as purveyor of cultural value. The organizers welcome papers in English that use transnational, linguistic, psychoanalytical, postcolonial, pedagogical, and other scholarly approaches, including translation and textual dissemination of traditional and digital media, publishing/circulation, and the History of the Book.

Abstracts in Humanistic/Social Science fields and subdisciplines are welcome, as individual papers or panels of 2-4 scholars. Submit abstracts of 100-200 words in the body of an e-mail message (not an attachment) by 30 September 2013 to [email protected].

This announcement adapted from the CFP posted here. For more information please see the full CFP or contact the conference organizers directly.