Saint Lucia Studies Conference 2018

Popular Culture, Entrepreneurship and the Saint Lucian Ethic

20th to 22nd June 2018
Castries, St. Lucia

CFP Deadline: 29 February 2018


The Folk Research Centre and the Harold Simmons Folk Academy, organiser of the 7th Saint Lucia Studies Conference to be held from the 20 to 22 June, 2018, invites persons interested in presenting papers to apply as follows. The Conference seeks to provide an opportunity for researchers in the areas of Saint Lucian life and culture to present their findings in a Saint Lucian setting. In response to the call for papers, persons are free to submit proposals on any subjects related to life and culture of Saint Lucia.

We also invite persons to propose panels and/or create panels to form part of the conference. Researchers would come up with panel ideas, find other researchers doing similar work and propose complete panels. Of course, this must be done early to facilitate logistical planning. Please submit the following information to the conference organizers – The Monsignor Patrick Anthony Folk Research Centre

1.      Presenter’s Name
2.      Address
3.      Telephone and email address
4.      Name of accompanying presenters (if any).
5.      Title of Abstract in Bold/Centred. Abstract: 200-500 words. The abstract should summarise as clearly as possible the thesis of the paper.
6.      Attach résumé or CV for each presenter.
7.      Each presenter will present for 30 minutes with 30 minutes for a moderated discussion.
8.      The full paper should be submitted to the Conference organisers at least two weeks before the start. This will facilitate copying and ensure later publication.
9.      Submit the complete application to present via email to:
Saint Lucia Studies Conference 2018
Msgr. Patrick Anthony Folk Research Centre/Harold Simmons Folk Academy;
10.  Submissions should be received not later than February 29th, 2018.

Above text and image adapted from email.