CFP: The 43rd Annual West Indian Literature Conference

Where: The University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida
When: October 8-11, 2025
Abstracts: 250-300 words, via online submission form
Proposals Due: April 2, 2025,

Call for Papers

The Time of the “Bruggadung”:
States of EmUrgency

‘but leh murder start an’ bruggalungdung/ yu cahn fine a man to hole up de side’ (Kamau Brathwaite)

Today, Caribbean societies and, by extension, Caribbean writers, reckon with crises that feel both new and cyclical. Increased volcanic activities, record-breaking hurricanes, droughts and heatwaves are only some of the environmental pressures we face. States of Emergency in response to political and social violence have become commonplace in Haiti, Trinidad and Jamaica. As a group of Caribbean critics, we have also had to reckon with the passing of a generation that helped to establish and define our field. In its broadest sense, this year’s Conference of West Indian Literature, convened around the theme, ‘The Time of the Bruggadung: States of EmUrgency,’ asks the simple question: what are Caribbean writers reckoning with today?

That almost comic word of Bajan creole, ‘bruggadung’, becomes something even larger than the onomatopoeic sound of a bang or commotion in the mytho-poetic world of Brathwaite. Instead, it becomes the sound of environmental disaster (“all uh know/ is that one day suddenly so/ this mountain leggo one brugg-a-lung-go” – “The Dust”), or else the sound of social and cultural disaster (“but leh murder start an’ bruggalungdung/ yu cahn fine a man to hole up de side.” – “Rites”), or even the sound of the collapse of Apartheid (‘bongo man a come/ bongo man a come/ bruggadung’ – “Soweto”)Always, the bruggadung signals a time of reckoning.

For this convening of the conference, we are particularly interested in papers that might approach the theme in a broad context. Critical considerations might include:

    • How have Caribbean writers and other cultural producers been engaged in ringing the warning bell to alert us of the impending social and environmental urgencies of the time?
    • To what extent has Caribbean literature historically grappled with the intersection of natural disasters and colonial legacies, and how have these narratives foreshadowed the Anthropocene’s emergence as a dominant paradigm?
    • How has a new generation of Caribbean writers understood and reimagined the emUrgencies of their own times? Moreover, how might we understand these generational differences and the new dialogues that may be required from its critics? 
    • In a world increasingly characterized by physical and ideological barriers, how might the expansive imaginative landscape of mytho-poetics foster cross-cultural understanding and solidarity in the face of various social, economic, and environmental challenges? 
    • Given the prominence of “resilience” discourse in disaster contexts, how have cultural producers challenged the prevailing narratives of trauma and immobility, offering alternative modes of representation that empower affected communities? 

While we expect the themes to give some direction to our proceedings, as the flagship conference for the study of Caribbean Literatures in English, we are open to proposals that engage a variety of literary topics across the French, Dutch, and Spanish Caribbean.  We are also interested in papers that participate in, challenge, and expand the fields, disciplines, and languages of Caribbean literature and culture broadly.

Please note that membership in WILC’s umbrella association WIACLALS (West Indian Association of Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies) is mandatory for presentation at the West Indian Literature Conference. If your proposal is accepted, you will need to confirm paid membership in WIACLALS within two weeks of acceptance. You may become a member here. Included in membership is a year’s subscription to the Journal of West Indian Literature

We welcome abstracts of 250-300 words in length. Abstracts should include name, academic affiliation, contact information, and short bios. Please submit using this form (requires Google sign-in): by April 2, 2025. We will send notification of acceptance by May 15, 2025.

Queries may be sent to [email protected]

The Grace Songs and Wicked Force of Lorna Goodison

Call for Papers

sx salon: a small axe literary platform invites essays and creative pieces for a special discussion section on the work of Lorna Goodison. 

Key dates:

    • Proposal abstracts for this special section are due by 30 September 2024 
    • Full discussion articles will be due by 15 December 2024 
    • Publication is slated for the June 2025 issue of sx salon

Continue reading The Grace Songs and Wicked Force of Lorna Goodison

Special issue of TOPIA: On the Work of Rinaldo Walcott

On the Work of Rinaldo Walcott

Special issue of TOPIA: Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies, Spring 2025

Edited by Ronald Cummings (McMaster University) and Nalini Mohabir (Concordia University)

Full papers due by 1 September 2024


This special issue of TOPIA invites essays and reflections on the work of Rinaldo Walcott. Since the 1990s, Walcott has been a major voice in contemporary critical theory. His interventions however have never been confined to academic writing. He has been a public scholar and vocal commentator on a range of topics, including Black and Queer life; the neoliberal university; the social and cultural landscape of Toronto; the politics of diaspora; Canadian politics and policies; Black-Indigenous relations; the problem of nation; border violence, and the list continues. He is currently the Carl V. Granger Chair in Africana and American Studies at the University at Buffalo, where he continues to mentor new generations of critical scholars. His output over the past decades has been prolific. However, at the heart of his concerns remains the centrality of Black life for understanding contemporary world making. He is the author of over a hundred publications, we highlight some of his books below. Continue reading Special issue of TOPIA: On the Work of Rinaldo Walcott

Austin Clarke, Black Studies and Black Diasporic Memory

Conference Call for Papers

Austin Clarke, Black Studies and Black Diasporic Memory
26-27 September 2024
Toronto, Canada

Abstracts due: 15 July 2024
Notification of decisions: by 15 August 2024

Co-organizers: Ronald Cummings (McMaster University), Darcy Ballantyne (Toronto Metropolitan University),

Keynote Speaker: Rinaldo Walcott, Professor and Chair in Africana and American Studies, University at Buffalo

Continue reading Austin Clarke, Black Studies and Black Diasporic Memory

CFP: 42nd Annual Conference on West Indian Literature

What: 42nd Annual Conference on West Indian Literature
When: 9-12 October 2024
Where: University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago

Abstracts: 300 words or less due by 31 May 2024

Conference Theme: “Making Us Better Than We Think We Could Be”?: Alternative Identities and Technologies

From the organizers:

Our theme this year acknowledges Professor Edward Baugh’s legacy. Through his creative work and scholarship spanning over fifty years he gave us opportunities to reflect upon ourselves as Caribbean people, and he provided a testament to our resilience and spirit. The quotation in the conference title is from his poem “It was the Singing” beloved for its authentic Caribbean voice and for a cadence that lifts readers and fills them with a sense of security and promise. His work demonstrates his lifelong commitment to “making us better than we think we could be.”

The promise conveyed in the poem is also implied in the sub-theme, “Alternative Identities and Technologies,” which anticipates the transformation we seek—transformation that reflects the protean nature of Caribbean identity. Today, global interchange and exchange encourage a continual reassessment of our place in the world and of ourselves in our own space. Contentious global issues such as immigration, populism, nationalism, inclusivity, our relationship with the environment, sexual citizenship, comprehensive sexuality education, social justice, indigenous peoples’ rights and human rights generally, resonate with us in the Caribbean and across the Caribbean diaspora. In addition, within these places / spaces, the literary output and scholarly criticism addressing LGBTQIA+ themes; societal issues, policies and debates surrounding gender diversity; and the inclusion of non-binary / non-gendered / gender neutral pronouns in affirming one’s gender identity are examples which reflect our changing and widening views in the Caribbean, although liberal and alternative views are variously rejected, accepted, or tolerated because of our heterogeneity.

The defining and shaping of Caribbean identities are further influenced by the opportunities for their metamorphoses presented by existing and emerging technologies. The evolution of Caribbean identities gestates between the algorithmic codes and frequencies that breathe life into digital communities, virtual assistants, artificial intelligence software, virtual reality, and brain-computer interfaces within the current technoscape. However, for as many ways that these technologies offer the means for creating and (re)inventing positive alternative identities, there are just as many ways that algorithmic biases and digital exclusions contour and create alternative identities that can be viewed as technological Othering. Therefore, engaging the questions embedded in this year’s conference theme involves not only considering the positive ways in which technology can enable the creation and proliferation of Caribbean identities, but also the necessary measures that need to be considered to ensure that possibilities for alternative identities are not detrimental to their present manifestations.

As we engage in this annual conference which is now beyond its fortieth year, we explore to what extent we have become better. The Baugh quote allows for us to consider the varied and continued means by and ways in which we continue to transform our existence as Caribbean and diasporan peoples.

The conference invites papers that include but are not limited to topics such as:

    • Belonging & Unbelonging
    • Identity & Authorship (including questions of ownership of images, digital alternations, photoshopping and the (re)fashioning of identity)
    • Literature and the Evocation of Experiential Selves
    • Oral Literatures
    • Reinventing & Remediating the Caribbean Past
    • LGBTQIA+ Identities
    • Avatars & the Exploration of Desired and Feared Selves
    • Inclusivity and the Differently Abled • Identities in Transit (related to issues of migration)
    • Crime & Criminality
    • Regional Links
    • Mental Health and Disorders
    • Hybrid Identities
    • Caribbean “Schizophrenia” (including theories by Walcott, Deleuze, Guattari, among others)
    • Indigenous Peoples & Languages
    • Caribbean Sports
    • Literature in Science / Science in Literature
    • Recalibrating Religion & Spirituality
    • Reconceptualising Race
    • Dougla Poetics
    • Caribbean Political Landscapes
    • Caribbean Fantasy, Speculative and Science Fiction
    • Caribbean vs West Indian
    • Storyworlding Caribbean Scapes
    • Beyond the Postcolonial
    • Virtual Assistants/Assistance (such as Siri, Alexa, Chatbot, Chat GPT)
    • Digital Identities in the Technoscape
    • Impact of Technology on Teaching and Learning
    • Digital Cultural Production & Storytelling (especially digital poetry, AI & VR narratives, cyberliterature)
    • The Cultivation of Digital Communities

Presentations may be in any of the formats listed below.

    • Formal Presentation using any medium – 20 minutes
    • Poster Session – presentation/display space limited to 1.5m x 1.5m
    • Panel Discussion – three or four papers encompassing a range of perspectives on an issue • Round Table – 20-minute informal presentation settings
    • Performance – drama, film, audio recording, etc.
    • Workshop – practical, interactive sessions limited to 2 hours

We welcome presentations from scholars and practitioners who are involved or interested in research, discussions or activities that reflect these and other topics.

Please submit an abstract of not more than 250 words and a short profile (approximately 150 words). Identify the topic and presentation type, and include information on resources that would be required.


May 31st, 2024 Deadline for submission of abstracts
June 15th, 2024 Deadline for notification of acceptance

Submissions should be sent to: Conference Email: [email protected]  Enquiries should be sent to: Dr Geraldine Skeete [email protected] and/or Dr Karen Sanderson Cole [email protected] Continue reading CFP: 42nd Annual Conference on West Indian Literature

The 2024 Caribbean Digital Virtual Artist’s Residency

Applications due: Monday, 1 April 2024

The Caribbean Digital (TCD) and Alice Yard invite applications for the annual virtual residency program for artists of the Caribbean and its diasporas who work in digital media. The residency aims to facilitate the development of new artworks in digital media that investigate ideas and practices in Caribbean Digital Humanities and engage with scholars in the TCD network and community. The residency is offered in conjunction with the annual Caribbean Digital (TCD) conference, an international event hosted annually at locations in the United States and the Caribbean since 2014, in partnership with Alice Yard, a contemporary art collective based at Granderson Lab in Belmont, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago. This program, sponsored by the Mellon Foundation, offers a cash stipend to support research and creative work, curatorial mentorship, virtual studio visits, publication by a professional art writer to document artist’s work, and travel accommodations to present at the annual TCD conference in December 2024. 

For more information, including the requirements for submission and application form, please see our Call for Applications here: 

The deadline for applications is Monday, 1 April 2024

Caribbean Digital Scholarship summer institute (CDSsi)

The Caribbean Digital Scholarship Collective (CDSC) invites applications for their inaugural week-long residential digital humanities institute, to be held at the University of Miami in June 2023. The CDSC supports the growth and development of digital humanities scholarship, training, and infrastructure for the Caribbean and its diasporas. The Caribbean Digital Scholarship summer institute (CDSsi) will train scholars, at all levels, working at the intersections of Caribbean Studies and digital humanities. Thanks to a generous Mellon Foundation grant, the CDSC will be able to cover travel and accommodations for fellows selected for participation in the summer institute.

For more information, including the requirements for submission and application form, please see the Call for Applications

Our deadline for applications is Tuesday, 31 January 2023 and there will be a virtual information session on Tuesday, 17 January 2023. Register for that information session here.

CFP: The Future of West Indian Literature

The Future of West Indian Literature
40th West Indian Literature Conference and
11th Critical Caribbean Symposium
University of The Bahamas Nassau, The Bahamas
13th-15th October 2022

CFP: Abstracts due 16 May 2022 (extended deadline)
Notification of decision: 30 May 2022

The Future of West Indian Literature, Creative Practices, Culture, and Criticism is in flux as the Caribbean region faces new and old burdens and challenges. It is imperative that we consider how we address impending crises that include climate change and its impacts on the region, public health crises, cultural commodification in the global marketplace, Caribbean literary criticism and its metropoles, regional publishing, creative cultural studies, and the literary imagination. As Caribbean futures continue to be yoked to tourism and extractive and consumptive practices, the political and social needs of local residents are overlooked, often in favor of tending to visitors. How do literary scholars, West Indian writers at home and in the diaspora, tackle these realities through the critical discourses in the field? How might academic institutions engage more fully in these conversations and provide innovative interventions that benefit local economies, intellectual communities, and cultural production? These are some of the questions we will consider when we meet next in the Bahamas.

This will be a hybrid conference and proposers are encouraged to state which modality they would prefer. The abstract should state whether the presentation will be virtual or in-person. The conference organizing committee encourages submissions from literary scholars and critics, and from all sectors of the creative community. The proposal accompanying each paper/abstract should indicate how the work fits within one of the following thematic threads: Continue reading CFP: The Future of West Indian Literature

The Black Fantastic – Third Stone Journal CFP

CFPThird Stone Journal – Open call for scholarly articles of varying lengths and creative work
Deadline: Rolling
Submit: [email protected]

Across the African diaspora, art has been a form of expression and liberation at times of widespread cultural oppression, enabling artists of color to resist the tradition of silencing while preserving their histories, traditions, and more in ways that could be passed down intergenerationally. While much art worked to fulfill a political purpose by pushing for equality and liberty in oppressive cultures, other works aimed at achieving liberation by celebrating Black cultural forms, from the cutting-edge music of Erykah Badu to that of Janelle Monae. Eager to explore art as liberation among other topics, Third Stone accepts submissions year round of art, music, creative writing, short films, scholarship, digital content, and more on Afrofuturism, African-futurism, and the Black fantastic as explored both inside and outside of the borders of the United States.

Continue reading The Black Fantastic – Third Stone Journal CFP

CFP – Concept and Approaches to Whiteness in Latin America and the Caribbean – Special Journal Issue

CFP Deadline: 2 March 2020

“…In this proposed special journal issue, we approach race as a relational concept that not only involves oppressed ‘racial minorities,’ but also white populations who benefit from racial disparities in politically, socially, quotidian, and systemic ways. Seeking to provide a roadmap to examine racial privilege in Latin America and the Caribbean, in this Call for Papers, we encourage abstract submissions from humanists and social scientists whose work carefully examines whiteness in the region, while highlighting critical theoretical debates and empirical approaches…”

To view the full CFP and to submit, please refer to the website.

Above text adapted from email and website.

Call for Papers – Global Caribbean Studies: “Scapes”

CFP Deadline: 15 January 2020

The 2018 theme for the 37th Annual West Indian Literature Conference recognized the vast routes/roots that link the Caribbean to the hemisphere and the globe.  As many writers and literary scholars have noted, the immense bodies of water that appear to isolate belie the currents that intimately connect, and at times, destroy shelter, lands, and peoples. Deploying Arjun Appadurai’s concept of “scapes” that work to enable the exchange of ideas and information, we engaged a breadth of issues relevant to Caribbeanists in the region and its diasporas.   We are now soliciting papers from that conference for publication in an upcoming issue of Anthurium: A Caribbean Studies Journal.

Please upload your submission at

Above text adapted from email.

Call for Book Chapter Proposals — Becoming Home: Diaspora and the Anglophone Transnational

Deadline: 1 March 2020

“…This collection of essays on the literature or national allegories (Jameson) of the diaspora and the transnational plans to explore the sundry and geographically expansive ways Anglophone literatures by colonized subjects and emigrants negotiate diasporic spaces to create what Benedict Anderson sees as “imagined communities,” or what Homi Bhabha calls “home, a place uncannily oscillating between estrangement and engagement…. Papers will explore the lived experiences of emigrants of the diaspora within this specific linguistic and cultural area, and the extent to which these new and evolving spaces (physical, ontological, and metaphorical) represented in literature are rife with tensions concerning identify, language, and belongingness in the struggle for home…”

Themes could include but are not limited to:

  • restlessness and tensions
  • ambiguities
  • assimilation
  • resistance to total immersion
  • nostalgia, sentimentality, and homesickness
  • national schizophrenia
  • divided loyalties
  • intellectual capital
  • and geographical interstices—living uncomfortably in that space between two worlds, one perhaps dead and the other struggling to be born.

Please refer to the post for more information.


Jude V. Nixon ([email protected]) and Mariaconcetta Costantini ([email protected]), editors to the volume, or Victoria Echegaray ([email protected]), Vernon Press editor.

Above text adapted from email and webpage.

CSA 2020 CFP: Identity Politics, Industry, Ecology and the Intelligent Economy in Caribbean Societies

CFP Deadline: 31 December 2019

Disruption is the new normal. In today’s so-called post-truth Fourth Industrial Revolution, driven by Artificial Intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT) and Big Data where data is heralded as the “new oil,” the Caribbean faces old and new forms of complexity as the 21st century progresses. The complexities of race, ethnicity, class, language (both official and creole), skin color, indigeneity, gender, sexuality, religion and nationality continue to present challenges and contradictions in the pursuit of improving the lives of Caribbean people or towards inclusive ecological “development.” Yet, in an ever more globalized era of fast-paced technological advancements, AI has transformational potentialities that will affect the complexities that confront Caribbean development and go beyond those associated with the ticklish politics of identity. The combination of the swift pace of technological transformations and the effects of these on political, social and economic organization; on popular culture; and on cultural expression raise intriguing questions about how Caribbean life can be organized towards national, regional and even external development agendas. Moreover, the serious ecological challenges, most prominent of which is currently the threat of climate change, mean that sustainable practices must be at the center of economic development. Although balancing ecological concerns with more traditional approaches to “industry” for development poses challenges, even more daunting are shifts towards more digital and “high-tech” industrial and economic activities.  Cloud computing, robotics, genetics, artificial intelligence, 3-D Printing, bio-technology, Nano-technology, intelligent machines, and block chain technologies are but some of the innovations that offer possibilities and perils, and add further layers of complexity to already complicated Caribbean realities. The CSA 2020 conference invites submissions from any disciplinary persuasion that seek to analyze, deconstruct and reflect on the technological transformations, the politics of identity and the somewhat contradictory ecological and industrial imperatives for “development” that combine to affect Caribbean societies and realities.

Conference themes:

Proposals are welcomed from the individual thematic areas presented below. Since the themes of the conference are interconnected, we also enthusiastically encourage proposals that explore the linkages between the conference thematic areas.  We will also consider proposals that go beyond or fall outside of the suggested thematic areas by exploring issues of significance for the Caribbean. However, priority will be given to proposals that seek to address the conference themes.

A. Identity Politics and Caribbean Development
B. Industry and Ecology
C. Industry and the Intelligent Economy

Please refer to the website for the full CFP and to submit an abstract, and direct any questions to: [email protected].

Above text and image adapted from email and website.


Education and the Politics of Education in the Caribbean

CFP Deadline: 31 October 2019

This Call For Papers is for a Congress on the Caribbean that will take place in March 2020 in Erlangen (Bavaria), Germany. Questions and/or abstracts (up to 500 words in English, French, or Spanish) should be sent to the email address on the flyer:

Above text and image adapted from email.

From Katrina to Michael: Disaster in the 21st-century Circum-Caribbean

20-21 February 2020
Florida State University

CFP Deadline: 30 September 2019 

Keynote speakers:
Yarimar Bonilla (Rutgers University), Laura Wagner (freelance anthropologist), and Mark Schuller (Northern Illinois University and Faculté d’Ethnologie – Université d’Etat d’Haïti)

Conference artist: Édouard Duval Carrié

To mark the 10-year anniversary of the Haitian earthquake, this conference proposes a regional approach to disaster that seeks to draw connections between 21st-century experiences of catastrophe in the circum-Caribbean, including the south-east U.S. and North Florida post-Michael. Continue reading From Katrina to Michael: Disaster in the 21st-century Circum-Caribbean