Schedule of readings and events for the “Caribbean Epistemologies” Seminar
Copies of readings can be accessed on the blog or here (registration required – and very helpful in enabling funding).
Spring 2012
February 17, 2-4p
Readings: Eloge de la créolité by Jean Bernabé, Patrick Chamoiseau & Raphaël Confiant; “Order, Disorder, Freedom and the West Indian Writer” by Maryse Conde
Room 9205
March 9, 2-4p
Readings: Selected essays from Sylvia Wynter and Wilson Harris
Room 9204
March 30, 2:30-4:30p
Readings: Selections from The Repeating Island by Antonio Benítez-Rojo
Room 9206
April 20, 2-4p
Reading TBA
May 4, 4-6p
Public Event: Orlando Patterson in conversation with David Scott
Fall 2011
All Fall 2011 events will take place from 2-4pm at the CUNY Graduate Center (rooms TBA), unless otherwise noted.
- September 23, Herman L. Bennett, Department of History, The CUNY Graduate Center
“Slave Insurgents and the Political Impact of Free Blacks in a Revolutionary Age: The Revolt of 1795 in Coro, Venezuela” - October 3, Lizabeth Paravisini-Gebert – “Gade nan mizè-a m tonbe: Vodou and Haiti’s Environmental Catastrophe”***
***This event will take place at 7pm and is part of the City SEEDS Lecture Series on “Aesthetic and Cultural Expressions of African-Derived Religions”
- October 18, Deborah Thomas, Department of Anthropology, U Penn
“Caribbean Studies, Archive-Building, and the Problem of Violence” - October 21, Yarimar Bonilla, Department of Anthropology, Rutgers University
“Non-Sovereign Futures: French Caribbean Politics in the Wake of Disenchantment” - November 1, Thomas Glave, Department of English, SUNY Binghamton***
***This session will be 2-3:30pm, and will lead into the Audre Lorde/Essex Hemphill Memorial Lecture to be given by Glave at 6pm later that day.
- November 4, Kaiama Glover, Department of French, Barnard College
“The Audacity of the ‘I’: Narcissism, Community, and the Textual Feminine in Francophone Caribbean Prose Fiction” - November 22, Frank Guridy, Department of History, UT Austin
“Neither Race, Men nor Tragic Mulatas: Afro-Puerto Ricans and the Imperial Transition, 1898-1917” - December 9, Pablo Gomez, Department of History, Texas Christian University/John Carter Brown Library
Title TBA
Spring 2011
- February 18, 2-4p, President’s Conference Room
Belinda Edmondson’s Caribbean Middlebrow: Leisure, Culture and the Middle Class(New York: Cornell UP, 2009), Introduction and Chapter 5 - Friday, March 25, 2-4:30pm, Room C197
”Remembering Glissant” - April 15, Full-day Symposium – Room 9100 (Skylight room)
Symposium Program
Fall 2010
- September 17, 12-2p – Room 7314
Introductory session
- October 29, 2-4p – Room 8301
“Conscripts of Modernity” David Scott (Chapter 3 in Conscripts of Modernity [Duke UP, 2004])
“The Antilles: Fragments of Epic Memory” Derek Walcott (The Nobel Lecture)
- November 23 (Tuesday), 2-4p – Room 7314
Seminar with Richard Turits
Reading TBA
- December 10, 4-6p – Room 5111
Seminar with J. Michael Dash
(Schedule subject to change)