Call for papers for a special issue of the journal of Women, Gender and Families of Color on Women, Gender Politics, and Pan-Africanism
Deadline: Completed manuscripts must be submitted by 30 January 2015
Guest Editors: Ula Taylor (UC Berkeley), Asia Leeds (Spelman College), and Keisha N. Blain (Penn State)
For centuries, black men and women have struggled for economic, social, and cultural rights under the banner of Pan-Africanism—the political belief that African peoples, on the continent and in the diaspora, share a common past and destiny. A growing body of scholarship has examined the complexities of Pan-Africanism, noting its shifting meanings and its many manifestations across time and space. Much of this work, however, focuses primarily on the contributions of men and has given marginal consideration to the importance of women and gender in shaping Pan-Africanist movements and discourses. This special issue will explore the role of women and gender in twentieth century Pan-Africanism in the United States, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean. The articles in this issue will reveal that gender politics—including the gendered divisions of organizational labor and ideas about feminism, manhood, and womanhood—are central, not peripheral, to the theories and practices of Pan-Africanism that developed in these regions. The editors seek essays that utilize various research methodologies and draw on various theoretical frameworks from multiple disciplines within the Social Sciences and the Humanities. These essays should probe intersecting dimensions such as race, gender, sexuality, and class; and offer some discussion of how twentieth century Pan-Africanist movements and discourses have informed/should inform contemporary initiatives. The editors encourage potential contributors to submit articles that explore topics that include but are not limited to the following:
- Pan-Africanism among African women activists
- Afro-Latinas’ engagement in Pan-African movements
- Caribbean women and Pan-Africanism
- Gender and black nationalism
Completed manuscripts must be submitted by January 30, 2015 to Keisha N. Blain, [email protected] (please copy Asia Leeds, [email protected]). Manuscripts should be a maximum of 30 pages, inclusive of title page, abstract (150 words or less), main body of text, figures, tables, and Chicago Style, 16th edition references. Only title pages should contain authors’ names, affiliation, phone & FAX numbers, in addition to the email address of the corresponding author. If you would like to review for this issue or have additional inquiries, please contact the guest editors.
Women, Gender, and Families of Color, published bi-annually in the spring and fall, is available electronically and in hard copy ( It is sponsored by the University of Kansas and published by the University of Illinois Press. Founded in 1918, the University of Illinois Press ranks as one of the country’s most distinguished university presses. It publishes works of high quality for scholars, students, and the citizens of the state and beyond. More information about the University of Illinois Press can be found at:
Above adapted from email announcement
In response to your inquiry, the failure to include Europe was an error. Thanks for pointing it out. We have already secured an essay that looks at Pan-Africanism in Europe. I hope you’ll forgive the (human) mistake.
I see that Europe and therefore Britain, key centres of Pan-African activism and the location for four of the first five Pan-African congresses are excluded from this call. What does this tell us?