Caribbean Music Pedagogy Workshops Summer 2018

This is an intensive week-long professional development workshop designed to help eradicate systemic racism in the field of music by getting teachers and artists to think consciously about their approaches to teaching and performing music. The workshop is taught from a Caribbean perspective and offer strategies for teaching musical traditions that have been marginalized within a system that privileges Western art music and Eurocentric pedagogical methods. This introductory workshop will expose educators to Caribbean history and culture broadly speaking, as well as important musical concepts in the study of Caribbean music. Over the five days of instruction, participants will explore (and rethink) musical concepts common throughout the region, gain an understanding and appreciation for the interconnectedness of the Caribbean region as a whole, and explore music in select countries. Resources for teaching (i.e. music, readings, and classroom exercises) will be made available, as well as suggestions for curriculum development and how to meet national standards.

Workshop offerings include:

Vocal + Rhythmic Pedagogy; Dance Training; Caribbean History; Teaching Resources + Strategies; Constructive Allyship Methods; Workshops with Guest Artists; and Certificate of Completion

Registration for the New York workshop (July 9, 2018—July 13, 2018) is now open. Workshops will take place at the LuEsther T. Mertz South Oxford Space. The building is conveniently located in Downtown Brooklyn near the Atlantic Avenue—Barclays Center Terminal. Early registration ends on March 15, 2018. Registration continues until July 1, 2018 on a space available basis. Early registration is encouraged, as space is limited. For more information regarding this workshop (including tuition, fees, scholarships, and deadlines) see this brochure and visit the website.

Information regarding the New Orleans workshop will be available soon. Subscribe to the email list to stay up-to-date regarding the New Orleans workshop and other offerings. For more information, please email Ethnomusicologist and Kodály certified music educator Danielle Brown, Ph.D.: [email protected].

Above adapted from email.