The new issue of sx salon is now available. (Table of contents below.)
In this issue of sx salon, we publish poetry from two emerging voices, Monica Minott, first-prize winner of the 2009 Small Axe Literary Competition, and Keisha-Gaye Anderson, who was shortlisted in the 2010 competition. Also in “Poetry & Prose” is a peek at a memoir-in-progress from Patricia Powell. We have a similar mix of emerging and established voices in “Interviews,” where Lakshmi Persaud discusses the beginnings of her career and what motivates her to continue, five novels later. We also hear from Anthony Williams, editor of Caribbean Book Blog, who has recently published his first novel.
Also in this issue is our first review of a theatrical performance: Soyica Colbert reviews a production of Derek Walcott’s Ti-Jean and His Brothers staged at Boston University earlier this year. We also publish reviews of two academic monographs—Sonjah Stanley-Niaah’s Dancehall: From Slaveship to Ghetto and Michaeline Crichlow’s Globalization and the Post-Creole Imagination. Rounding out the “Reviews” section is a review of Austin Clarke’s novel, More.
This issue’s “Discussion” section features a discussion of Edwidge Datnticat’s Create Dangerously: The Immigrant Artist at Work, winner in the nonfiction category of the OCM Bocas Prize. J. Michael Dash, Elizabeth Duchanaud, and Martin Munro each offer thoughts in short articles on Danticat’s collection of essays, and Danticat’s response is as open and engaging as the pieces in Create Dangerously.
Continue reading sx salon, issue 4 (April 2011)