First Spring Session, February 18

Our first Spring seminar session will be on February 18th and we will be reading selections from Belinda Edmondson’s Caribbean Middlebrow: Leisure, Culture and the Middle Class (New York: Cornell UP, 2009).

The selections can be downloaded here (until February 18th) or on the Center for Humanities website for the remainder of the semester.
Selections: Introduction and Chapter 5

We will be meeting in the President’s Large Conference Room (8201.01) from 2-4p.

I look forward to our discussion!

Edouard Glissant (1928-2011)


Martinican writer, thinker, poet, Edouard Glissant, died Thursday in Paris.

Glissant was a faculty member at the Graduate Center, City University of New York.

Born in Sainte-Marie, Martinique, on Sept. 21, 1928, Glissant was among the generation of French Caribbean poets who came to prominence in the 1950s and included the late Aime Cesaire.

Glissant published more than 20 books, including collections of poetry and critical analyses.

For more information in English, see this Repeating Islands post.

For the French announcement, see this Libération post.

CSA Annual Conference, 2011

Caribbean Studies Association
36th Annual Conference
May 30 – June 3, 2011
World Trade Center, Curaçao

The theme for the 36th annual CSA conference is “Building a New House: Towards New Caribbean Futures in an Age of Uncertainty.”  Holger Henke, this year’s CSA president, has provided us with the Conceptual Statement for the conference. I have pasted the statement below and attached the PDF version here: CSA conceptual statement. Continue reading CSA Annual Conference, 2011

Metaphors and Creolization: Reading J. Michael Dash’s “Bateaux-Prisons”

by Alessandra Benedicty, Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences, The City College of New York

In keeping with the intention of this seminar in which we are considering, interrogating and creating new epistemologies about the Caribbean, I’d like to mention that some of the ideas that I am including have come out of conversations that I’ve had with several persons here—Professor Dash, Kaiama L. Glover, Robert Baron, Maja Horn, Rose Réjouis, Robert Baron and Jarrettia Adams. It’s also a great honor to be able to discourse so directly and in such a venue with J. Michael Dash.

Binaries offer scholars, if not a productive tool, at least a point of departure, with which to consider and reconsider one or more epistemological spaces. A binary that I think might inform our discussion in this seminar is that in which creolization appears as one of the terms, and which I think might serve as a point of contact with J. Michael Dash’s work here today. Before going further, I am not bringing this up to be polemical, although what I describe is provocative. I think that Dash’s notion of the “bateau-prison” is exciting precisely because it opens up a space within which the polemics of creolization become less significant. Continue reading Metaphors and Creolization: Reading J. Michael Dash’s “Bateaux-Prisons”

Comments on J. Michael Dash’s “Hemispheric Horizons”

by Kaiama Glover, French, Barnard College

Michael Dash’s article explicitly states its concern with the “anxieties of place and belonging” that lead to a certain “spatial emphasis in postcolonial criticism” and the concomitant reliance on a series of increasingly unhelpful binaries: either a “homogenizing, ahistorical wholeness” or an “emphasis on displacement and diaspora;” either a call for attachment to place à la Peter Hallward or the devaluation of territoriality à la Chris Bongie; either a Césairean affirmation of the local and specific or a Glissantian emphasis on wandering and deterritorialization; etc.

Dash proposes an elegant approach to negotiating these binaries in his thoughtful mobilization of the chronotope of the ship. He offers a convincing articulation of the ship – or bateau-prison – as a metaphorical space that can hold in tension the unique combination of movement and immobility that is the Afro-Atlantic experience. From C.L.R. James, Aimé Césaire, and Edouard Glissant’s configuration of Toussaint as both imprisoned within and liberated from Fort Joux, to James’ reading of Melville’s “mariners, renegades, and castaways” as the proper heros of Moby Dick, to Césaire’s multiple accounts of “contained openness,” the Caribbean literary tradition is marked profoundly, Dash argues, by iterations of this central marine trope. Dash reads the portraits of various men on boats, as it were, in Caribbean literature as so many exemplars of the “true citizens of the hemisphere” who, via what he dubs their “renegade subjectivity,” issue a challenge to the concept of privileged, hegemonic national or cultural identity. Continue reading Comments on J. Michael Dash’s “Hemispheric Horizons”

Conference on Caribbean Women Writers

The Departments of Foreign Languages, English, and The Center for Women’s Development at Medgar Evers College of the City University of New York invite participants for the 1st Annual Conference on Caribbean Women Writers,

“Transforming Silence: Memory, Remembrance, and Resistance in the Narratives of Caribbean Women Writers”

to be held on Thursday, March 31, 2011. The conference will take place at Medgar Evers College in Brooklyn, New York. Continue reading Conference on Caribbean Women Writers

sx salon: a small axe literary platform

The Small Axe Project has recently launched sx salon: a small axe literary platform, a new electronic publication dedicated to literary discussions, interviews with Caribbean literary figures, reviews of new publications (creative and scholarly) related to the Caribbean, and short fiction and poetry by emerging and established Caribbean writers. sx salon also houses the Small Axe Literary Competition, launched in 2009.

sx salon represents both a new project and a continuation of the Small Axe Project’s ongoing affirmation of the literary as a critical component of Caribbean cultural production. We envision this space as an open source, easily accessible, online resource for students, teachers and scholars, as well as a forum for academics in the field to consult for announcements related to Caribbean literary studies.

sx salon publishes a new issue every two months and invites year-round submissions of:

  • Literary Discussions that engage issues relevant to Caribbean literary studies: 2,000 – 2,500 words
  • Book Reviews of recent (published no more than two years preceding the date of submission) creative literary works by Caribbean authors or scholarly works related to Caribbean literary studies: 1,000 – 1,200 words
  • Interviews with Caribbean literary figures: 2,000 – 2,500 words
  • Poetry and Short Fiction that engage regional and diasporic Caribbean themes and concerns: up to 2 poems or fiction of up to 4,000 words

Submissions must be accompanied by a short bio approximately 50 words, which should include information about the author’s location (institutional, geographical, etc.), and publications. Manuscripts should not contain any information about the author. Please include name, email address, phone number and, if applicable, institutional affiliation with the accompanying bio

Please visit for more detailed guidelines for submissions.


ALL inquiries and submissions must to be sent electronically to the following addresses:

HAITI IN:SIGHT – A Soulful Benefit for Healing in Haiti

From: Ayiti Resurrect


As the one-year anniversary of the earthquake approaches, let’s continue to raise our awareness and keep HAITI IN SIGHT! This benefit will raise money for a grassroots healing project led by the people of Haiti and supported by a community of delegates from the Caribbean and African Diaspora. Join us for an enlightening evening of performances, dancing, and multi-media art — all providing a lens through which the beauty and power of Haiti will be experienced and honored. We will take the opportunity to learn more about the aftermath of this unnatural disaster from our partners on the ground. And we will contribute to the healing and sustainability of Haiti.

December 11, 2010 || 7:00pm – 1:00am
Red Bull Space, 40 Thompson Street (at Watts St.) SoHo, New York
OPEN BAR All Night

Continue reading HAITI IN:SIGHT – A Soulful Benefit for Healing in Haiti

Divine Horsemen, Art Exhibition

Seminar participant, Simone Leigh, will exhibit work in a two-person show with Chitra Ganesh at the Mason Gross Galleries, Rutgers University. The work on exhibit is inspired by the Maya Deren film, Divine Horsemen.

November 19th –  January 11th


Chitra Ganesh and Simone Leigh

Curated by LaToya Ruby Frazier

Mason Gross Galleries

Rutgers University

New Brunswick, New Jersey

Catalog includes writing from Rashida Bumbray, Christopher Lew and Dean Daderko

35th Annual Conference of the Society of Caribbean Studies

International Slavery Museum, Albert Dock, Liverpool
Wednesday 29th June – Friday 1st July 2011

The Society for Caribbean Studies invites submissions of short abstracts of 250 to 400 words for research papers on the Hispanic, Francophone, Dutch and Anglophone Caribbean and their diasporas for this annual international conference. Papers are welcomed from all disciplines and can address the themes outlined below. We also welcome abstracts for papers that fall outside this list of topics, and we particularly welcome proposals for complete panels, which should consist of three papers. Continue reading 35th Annual Conference of the Society of Caribbean Studies

Fourth Session: J. Michael Dash

The fourth session of the Caribbean Epistemologies seminar will be:

Friday, December 10, 4-6pm, Room 5111

 Our guest will be: J. Michael Dash, Professor of French at New York University. He is the author of Literature and Ideology in Haiti, Haiti and the United States, The Other America, and Culture and Customs of Haiti, and has translated a number of Edouard Glissant’s works, including The Ripening, Caribbean Discourse, and Monsieur Toussaint.

 We will be discussing Professor Dash’s paper:

“Hemispheric Horizons: Confinement, Mobility and the “bateaux-prisons” of the French Caribbean Imaginary”

Our discussants for the paper will be Professor Alessandra Benedicty, City College, and Professor Kaiama Glover, Barnard College. 

Note: This paper will be available via the link above through the end of December, but it will remain on the Center For Humanities’ website for the duration of the seminar.

Comments on Richard Turits’s draft

by Ryan Mann-Hamilton, Anthropology, CUNY Graduate Center

These comments preceded the discussion of Richard Turits’s paper, “New World of Color: Slavery, Freedom, and the Making of Race in Dominican History,” at the Caribbean Epistemologies seminar meeting on 23 November 2010.

As Mintz states throughout his work, Caribbean cultures should be viewed by their particular histories and include analyses of power (Mintz 1995). Without the specificities of history, one’s understanding of current processes operating in the Caribbean is highly incomplete. This paper places the Dominican Republic at the center of the history of the Caribbean and the Americas as a microcosm and a precursor of similar processes operating in those spaces. It is a much-needed addition to the existing scholarship that has tended to privilege the narratives of the Anglophone Caribbean, Cuba and Puerto Rico. Continue reading Comments on Richard Turits’s draft

The Caribbean Epistemologies Symposium, April 15, CUNY Graduate Center, NY


The Caribbean Epistemologies seminar at the CUNY Graduate Center will be holding a one-day symposium on April 15, 2011.  We invite submissions of paper presentations from seminar registrants and CUNY faculty and graduate students working on projects related to Caribbean Studies.  Continue reading The Caribbean Epistemologies Symposium, April 15, CUNY Graduate Center, NY