Critical Caribbean presents a lecture by Mimi Sheller: “Sexual Citizenship and a Queer Caribbean”

Critical Caribbean invites you to join them for a lecture by: Mimi Sheller from Drexel University.

“Sexual Citizenship and a Queer Caribbean”

Monday 24 March, 5:00-6:30 p.m.

Tillet Hall 253, Livingston Campus

53 Avenue E

Piscataway, NJ 08854-8040

Reception with faculty and students, Tula (47 Easton Avenue) at 3:00-4:30 p.m.

Abstract: Re-thinking the complex historical intersections and inter-embodiments of race, gender, class, and sexuality in the Atlantic world can inform a theory of embodied freedom in wider contemporary contexts of the neocolonial restructuring of citizenship, sovereignty, and power across both national and transnational terrains. In this talk I offer an overview of two key aspects of the literature on citizenship that help us to re-think “queer” performances of citizenship in the Caribbean: first, theories of citizenship as a performative and locally embedded practice, and second theories of sexual citizenship as a crucial dimension of practices of freedom. This critical re-thinking of citizenship has important implications for struggles over citizenship in the Caribbean today.

Event organized by Yolanda Martínez-San Miguel, Yarimar Bonilla and Ronald Cummings, and the Archipelagic Studies & Creolization Cluster.

Co-sponsored by Critical Caribbean Studies, the Office of the Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences, the Program in Comparative Literature and the Department of Latino and Hispanic Caribbean Studies.

For more information, go to

Message Adapted from email announcement.

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