Review of applications will begin on 15 October 2018
The Department of Latino and Caribbean Studies (LCS) at Rutgers University (New Brunswick) seeks candidates for an assistant professor tenure-track position in Afro-Latina/o/Afro-Caribbean Studies to be appointed jointly with the department of Africana Studies beginning September 1, 2019. We welcome applications from scholars specifically investigating race, blackness, and Afro-Diasporic experience in US Latina/o communities, and/or US Latina/o cultural, artistic, and theoretical works. Combined attention to Afro-Caribbean Studies in a regional and transnational scope is particularly desirable. Candidates should have a track record of interest in advancing scholarly contributions in or across African American, Africana, and Latina/o Studies, with potential intersections with one or more fields in the humanities, the social sciences, or other inter-disciplines, such as Gender and Women’s Studies and Ethnic Studies.
The Department of Latino and Caribbean Studies (LCS) at Rutgers University promotes the study of Caribbean and U.S. Latina/o artistic and literary expressions, history, thought and philosophy, as well as geography and social and cultural dynamics through an inter- and transdisciplinary approach to teaching, scholarship, and community involvement.
Applicants may contact LCS Department Chair Carlos U. Decena, PhD ([email protected]) with questions or concerns about the application or review process.
Applicants must have completed all requirements for the PhD by the time of the appointment. Possible specific areas of focus could include but are not limited to Afro-diasporic cultural and theoretical studies; racial identities and racial expressions among Latinos and Caribbean populations; race discrimination and racial inequality; political representation and participation among Afro-Latina and African-descended communities. Applicants with a focus on the racial and ethnic dimensions of African American/Black/Latino/Caribbean citizenship, human rights, state violence, carceral logics, environmental justice, and critical race studies of colonialism and neo-colonialism and other areas are also encouraged to apply.
We will begin reviewing applications on October 15, 2018. Materials to be uploaded include (1) cover letter; (2) curriculum vitae; (3) up to two writing samples; and (4) three letters of recommendation.
Rutgers is an AA/EEO employer and values diversity. Offer is contingent upon successful completion of all pre-employment screenings.
Above text adapted from webpage.