19th International Conference on Caribbean Literature

“Caribbean Literary Crossings, Critical Crossroads and Cross-Disciplinary Conversations”

13-15th November 2019
Bridgetown, Barbados

CFP Deadline: 15 July 2019 

From the recent treatment of the Windrush generation in Britain to the growing interest in the environmental humanities and the plantationocene, Caribbean literary arts continue to provide insights relevant to our lived experiences. From créolité to cross-cultural dialogue, the boundary-blurring aesthetic of the region is instrumental in throwing into relief fruitful connections important to our understandings of, for example, cultural and socio-political relationships.

Attentive to a region characterised by metaphors of change and interstices, the 19th International Conference on Caribbean Literature seeks to explore how crossroads, crossings and cross-fertilisations continue to be used to figure Caribbean futures. The main aim is to examine the kinds of connections to be developed between, for example, literature and law, speculative fiction and ethics, drama and medicine, poetry and marketing with a view to how these connections can be used to benefit Caribbean development and foster a productive commitment to literature, specifically, and the humanities in general. To this end, papers are therefore invited on topics related, but not limited, to:

  • Technology and Text
  • Critical Crossroads
  • Media, Canonicity and Contemporary Literature
  • Cross-Cultural / Cross-Border Conversations
  • Diaspora and Development
  • Cross-Disciplinary Studies
  • Embodiment in Science and Literature
  • Cultural Industries
  • The Business of the Humanities and the Humanities in Business

In collaboration with the University of the West Indies and Morehouse College, the ICCL 2019 Organizing Committee invites individual and panel proposals related to this year’s theme as well as to Caribbean literature and culture more generally. 250-word abstracts should be sent as .pdf or .docx files to Dr. Melvin Rahming ([email protected]) and Dr. Consuella Bennett ([email protected]) no later than July 15. Papers may be delivered in English, Spanish, or French. At the time of submission, presenters should note whether they will require A/V equipment.

Above text adapted from email.