Caribbean Studies Journals: Fall 2020 – Spring 2021 Publications

The following Caribbean Studies journals published new issues Fall 2020 – Spring 2021:

Anthurium: A Caribbean Studies Journal –  Volume 16, Issue 2, December 2020
Issue 5, December 2020
Caribbean Quarterly
Vol. 66, Issue 4, December 2020
Caribbean Review of Gender Studies
Issue 14, December 2020
Centro JournalVol. 32, Issue 3, Fall 2020
Cuban Studies
Number 49, 2020
International Journal of Cuban Studies
Vol. 12, Winter 2020
New West Indian Guide
Vol. 94, Issues 3-4, Dec 2020 & Vol. 95, Issue 1-2, Mar 2021
PREE Caribbean. Writing.
–  Issue 6, Fall 2020 & Issue 7, Spring 2021
Small AxeIssue 63, November 2020 & Issue 64, March 2021
SX Salon – Issue 35, October 2020

Below you will find details of each new issue:

Continue reading Caribbean Studies Journals: Fall 2020 – Spring 2021 Publications

Event – Forgotten Lands Vol 03: Caribbean Artist Talks

Date: May 7, 2021
Time: 4:00 – 5:00pm EST
Location: Virtual
Please register: HERE

Forgotten Lands Vol 03: Caribbean Artist Talks

CLACS & Forgotten Lands are hosting the New York presentation of Volume 03 of the Forgotten Lands book series titled In Defense of Paradise. This presentation will feature its founder Cory Bishop and Caribbean artists featured in the book, Dwayne Leblanc and Nadia Alexis, in conversation.

Co-sponsored by the Center for the Study of Africa and the African Diaspora

Book/project synopsis:

Forgotten Lands is an independent publisher of Caribbean art, culture, & dialogue. We’ve just released our third issue, Volume 03: In Defense of Paradise, which features 15 select artists from throughout the Caribbean and its diaspora. For Volume 03, we’re delving into Caribbean vulnerability in different dimensions: culture, socioeconomics, history, sexuality, sustainability, self-determination, and other stories that need to be told.


Cory Torres Bishop founded Forgotten Lands in 2017 in direct response to hurricanes Maria and Irma — category 5 hurricanes that devastated his home (Puerto Rico & Virgin Islands) along with the majority of the northeastern Caribbean. Cory is currently splitting his time between St. Croix (Virgin Islands) and Brooklyn.

Dwayne LeBlanc is a first-generation Caribbean-American creative with parents from the island of Dominica. He currently lives in Los Angeles where he makes work in film, television, and photography.

Nadia Alexis is a poet, photographer, educator, and organizer born in Harlem, New York City to Haitian immigrants and currently based in Oxford, Mississippi. In 2019, she was the recipient of the honorable mention prize in poetry for the Hurston/Wright College Writers Award. Her photographs have been shown in several exhibitions in the U.S. and Cuba. She’s currently a creative writing PhD student at the University of Mississippi where she also earned a creative writing MFA.

Above adapted from the event page.

CFP – CSA Journal: The Caribbean & Covid-19

Deadline for submissions: April 30, 2021
Submit papers: HERE

Commemorating CSA’s 45
th Anniversary

The Caribbean and COVID-19

The Caribbean Studies Association (CSA) invites you to submit a paper for possible inclusion in the inaugural issue of The CSA Journal under the broad theme “The Caribbean and COVID-19”. COVID-19 is having a profound impact on the world, and the Caribbean specifically. How has the Caribbean been coping? What has been the impact on the people, including the children? What are some of the successful strategies employed by the various governments? What are the implications for tourism, the economy, education, online learning? How has it affected Gender-Based Violence? How has it influenced our interaction and engagement, now and going forward? What are the lessons to be learned? We seek a broad cross-section of disciplines, including contributions looking at intersectionality.

Submission Guidelines

Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit their original empirical research articles, 3,000–7,000 words in length, in any of the five journal languages (Papiamento, Dutch, French, Spanish, or English). The submission should include an abstract with no more than 200 words in the original language of the article and, in the case of those articles in a language other than English, also an abstract in English. Interested authors must use the Chicago Manual format. Book reviews or arts exhibit reviews, 750-1,000 words in length, related to the broad theme are also welcome.

All submitted articles will go through the peer review process. Final decision regarding acceptance/revision/rejection will be based on the feedback received from the reviewers and the discretion of the Editor-in-Chief.

For any further questions please email: [email protected]

Above Adapted from email.

Student Conference – Disruption: Destructive & Generative Ruptures in Latin America & The Caribbean

Date: April 29 – 30, 2021
Register HERE

Every year, the students of the Latin American Studies Center at the University of Maryland host a conference featuring panels of graduate and undergraduate students as well as important keynote speakers from the various communities that make up Latin American Studies.

This year, the conference will be hosted by Dr. Clara Irazábal, Director of the Urban Studies & Planning Program at UMD; Dr. Yanilda González, Assistant Professor of Public Policy at the Harvard Kennedy School; and Dr. Daniel B. Coleman, Assistant Professor, Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at UNC-Greensboro.

There will be a fascinating line-up of graduate and undergraduate students from UMD and other schools who will share their research, and they will also host a panel discussion with artists and an online art exhibition.


Above adapted from LASC website & email.

New Publication: U Magazine

Chrisitan Usera, a visual artist influenced by the works of Kamau Brathwaite, has founded U Magazine. Usera’s new publication is a space where over 60% of its pages are reserved for artists of color and other marginalized groups.

U Magazine’s first issue features an emerging, Afro-Vincentian artist, Andy Da Silva (aka Andy Dass). Da Silva is a cartoonist who favors bright color palettes and a pastel-based medium. His influences include Walt Disney & Warner Bros. cartoons.

The magazine is primarily supported by Patreon community members, which includes levels of support and benefits. U Magazine is also organized to support artist sales. If you are an artist who would like to be featured in future issues, contact the editors here.


Above adapted from emailed announcement. 

Event: Miguel Gualdrón Ramírez, Édouard Glissant’s Ethics (Ethics & Caribbean Philosophy)

Date: Monday, March 22, 2021
Time: 6:00pm – 7:30pm
Register HERE

Miguel Gualdrón Ramírez is Assistant Professor of Philosophy at The University of North Texas. His work focuses on the interconnection between history, politics, and aesthetics in Latin America and the Caribbean, and philosophical attempts at approaching these topics collectively. In his Ethics and Caribbean Philosophy online presentation, he will discuss his recent essay “To ’stay where you are’ as a decolonial gesture: Glissant’s philosophy of Caribbean history in the context of Césaire and Fanon.”

Above adapted from University of Toronto: Centre for Ethics

Event: Every Cook Can Govern: The Life, Impact, & Work of C.L.R James

Date: March 14, 2021
Time: 6:00pm – 8:45pm EST
Register: HERE

In honor of Carnival traditions around the world, JouvayFest Collective and Sabira Cole Film Festival present Mout’ Open, Story Jump Out!, a film series exploring and celebrating Caribbean culture.

This 3rd and final installment of the series features a screening of: Every Cook Can Govern: The Life, Impact & Work of C.L.R James. This film is closely tied to Carnival traditions in Trinidad and Tobago, and attempt to capture the complex history and dynamic energy of the art form.

The program will conclude with a live panel discussion featuring some of the people closely involved with the film, moderated by Ogechi Chieke of SCFF & Sandra A. M Bell of JouvayFest Collective.

Co-director Ceri Dingle FRSA (Fellow of the Royal Society of the Arts) Director of the charity WORLDwrite and Citizen TV station WORLDbytes. Ceri Co-Directed Every Cook Can Govern and has directed and edited 11 major documentaries and over 1000 short films and videos, all made with young people learning to film.

Every Cook Can Govern is the first feature length documentary to explore the life, writings and politics of the great Trinidadian-born revolutionary C.L.R. James. The film interweaves exclusive, never-before-seen footage of C.L.R. James with unique testimony.

The result is an epic feature-length documentary which grapples with issues from colonialism to cricket, from slavery to Shakespeare, from Marxism to the movies and from reading to revolution. The film’s unique production history – crowd-funded, crowd-featured and crowd-filmed with over 200 volunteer camera operators, presenters and researchers – does credit to James’ conviction that every cook can govern.

Above adapted from FB event page.

Online Programme: Celebrating Black Britain

Black Britain has been a long time in the making, created by many generations of people of African and Caribbean heritage living in Britain throughout the twentieth century. This special Your Local Arena, in partnership with the Bocas Lit Fest in Trinidad, explores how literature and music have played a part in that — from books published in the 1930s, when most of the Caribbean considered itself British, up to the 1990s, when black authors born in the UK were being published, to the music of 2-Tone, where black and white musicians blended blue beat and ska from the 1960s with reggae, soul and punk from the 1970s. This cultural journey, criss-crossing the Atlantic over decades, has led to the rise of what we now celebrate as Black Britain.

Below you will find direct links to each pre-recorded offering of this online programme:

Arena Film: Rudies Come Back or The Rise and Rise of 2-Tone (1980)
Enjoy this early BBC Arena film, Rudies Come Back or The Rise and Rise of 2-Tone, which captures the start of the music genre in its hometown of Coventry in 1980.

Your Local Arena: A Response to Arena and the Rise of Black Britain

Judith Bryan, Anthony Joseph, SI Martin, Mike Phillips, Jacqueline Roy and Nicola Williams respond to the Arena film through their own experiences of and novels about building Black Britain.

New Poetry from Today’s Britain

Read and listen to new poems by today’s rich mix of Black British poets: Malika, Booker, Richard Georges, Keith Jarrett, Hannah Lowe, Maureen Roberts, and Roger Robinson.

London by Lockdown: A Travel Podcast

Listen to the latest episode, “Drawing a Better Map”, which explores the rise of Black Britain and celebrates diverse and brilliant Black British voices. Listen to London by Lockdown on all major podcast platforms.

A Short History of Black British Publishing

“The Roots of Independent Black British Publishing”, by Roxy Harris & Sarah White.

Above adapted from Bocas Lit Fest – Celebrating Black Britain.

Book Launch: Contemporary Archipelagic Thinking

Date: Wednesday, March 31st, 2021
Time: 6:00pm–8:00pm EST
Register via Zoom: HERE

The CCA invites you to an event in celebration of the new book:
Contemporary Archipelagic Thinking, edited by Michelle Stephens and Yolanda Martinez San-Miguel.

This event will introduce the work of the book and of its contributors, many of whom were fellows in the CCA seminar on Archipelagoes in 2015–16. Island networks interrogate mainstream continental frameworks that implicitly inform many fields of study. The book explores the contributions of archipelagic thinking for the study of geopolitics, history, and culture.

Michelle Stephens, Rutgers
Yolanda Martinez San-Miguel, University of Miami
Brian Russell Roberts, Brigham Young University
Anjali Nerlekar, Rutgers
Elena Lahr-Vivaz, Rutgers
Sarah DeMott, Harvard
Jessica Baker, University of Chicago
Haruki Eda, Rutgers

Above adapted from email.


Events: Sanit Bèlè (Sanite Bélair)Women’s Empowerment Series

Date: March 15, 2021
Time: 7:00pm – 8:00pm EST
Location: Virtual

Please RSVP Here

Sanit Bèlè (Sanite Bélair)Women’s Empowerment Series: Featuring Emmanuelle Georges

The Sanit Bèlè (Sanite Bélair) Women’s Empowerment Series was born out of a desire to celebrate and center the visionary work of contemporary Haitian women. Sanit Bèlè was a Haitian freedom fighter and revolutionary, and one of the women soldiers who fought during the Haitian Revolution at the turn of the 19th century.

Join the conversation with Emmanuelle Georges, Certified Life Coach & Podcaster, as they discuss her journey, life work, and what #RevolutionaryWork means to her. Moderated by Wynnie Lamour (CLACS).

Presented by the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies at NYU and the Haitian Creole Language Institute of New York.

You will find the program Here


Date: March 27, 2021
Time: 6:00pm- 7:00pm EST
Location: Virtual

Please RSVP Here

Sanit Bèlè (Sanite Bélair)Women’s Empowerment Series

The Sanit Bèlè (Sanite Bélair) Women’s Empowerment Series was born out of a desire to celebrate and center the visionary work of contemporary Haitian women. Sanit Bèlè was a Haitian freedom fighter and revolutionary, and one of the women soldiers who fought during the Haitian Revolution at the turn of the 19th century.

Join them for a special musical performance by Nathalie Cerin, Singer-songwriter, Teaching Artist & Blogger.

Presented by the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies at NYU and the Haitian Creole Language Institute of New York.

You will find the event program Here

Above adapted from email.

Event: Common Threads(ts): Afrodescendiente & Garífuna Leaders and the Response of Violence

Date: March 12, 2021
Time: 4:00pm – 6:00pm EST
Location: Virtual

Please RSVP Here

Common Threads(ts): Afrodescendiente & Garífuna Leaders and the Response of Violence

The Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CLACS) and Center for the Study of Africa and the African Diaspora (CSAAD) at NYU presents a panel with distinguished scholars and activists to examine mounting challenges faced by afrodescendiente & Garífuna political and community leaders in various parts of Latin America, and particularly in Brazil, Colombia, and Honduras.

Featuring: Merle Bowen, Department of African American Studies, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Francia Elena Márquez Mina, Leader of Afro communities and artisanal miners of northern Cauca, Colombia, and Miriam Miranda, OFRANEH, the Black Fraternal Organization of Honduras.

Read More Here

Above adapted from email.


CFP – Caribbean Studies Association – Identity Politics, Industry, Ecology, and the Intelligent Economy in Caribbean Societies

Caribbean Studies Association news2021 Caribbean Studies Association conference

Deadline: 31 January, 2021
Further details can be found HERE.

2021 CSA Conference Call for Papers – Now Open

Identity Politics, Industry, Ecology and the Intelligent Economy in Caribbean Societies

Políticas de Identidad, Industria, Ecología y la Economía Inteligente en las Sociedades del Caribe

Politiques identitaires, industrie, écologie et l’économie intelligente dans les sociétés caribéennes

CSA embraces proposals from all disciplinary perspectives, theoretical standpoints and methodological approaches and welcomes interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary submissions. Individual paper proposals are accepted but CSA strongly recommends proposals for fully constituted panels, fully constituted round tables, and pre-organized workshops. CSA warmly encourage proposals for panels, round tables, and workshops that are multi-lingual and multi-disciplinary. The association welcomes proposals from researchers, academics, policy makers, teachers, students, community activists, cultural managers, writers, artists, creatives and anyone with a keen interest in Caribbean Studies.

Contact email: [email protected]

Above adapted from email announcement.

Book Launch: ‘Membering Austin Clarke by Paul Barrett

Paul Barrett extends a friendly invitation to the book launch for his forthcoming collection on Austin Clarke’s work, ‘Membering Austin Clarke. The book includes a range of essays from scholars, writers, colleagues, and friends commenting, in a range of styles and genres, on his writing and his place in Caribbean and Canadian literatures. Please join him if you’re looking for an event to brighten up your December!

This will be a double launch: Rinaldo Walcott and Paul Barrett will be chatting about ‘Membering Austin Clarke and his reissue of Clarke’s, When He Was Free and Young and Used to Wear Silks. This will be followed by a few readings, some music, photos, and general celebration of Austin’s life and writing.

Date & Time: Friday, December 4th @ 7:00pm
You can register for the event here.

Upcoming Event – Of Islands & Archives: Celebrating Île en île and World Literature in French

Celebrating Île en île and World Literature in French

DATE: Mon, November 16th, 6:00 PM (EST).
You can register here to access the Zoom link.

Please join us for a dialogue marking the culmination of two decades of research work building Île en île, a digital humanities archive documenting the cultures with especial focus on the literature of the world’s Francophone islands. A pioneering addition to the French-speaking Internet, Île en île has served to present to a global audience works by authors far removed from a Parisian “center.” Online since 1998, it is an extensive archive with biographies, bibliographies, excerpts of prose and poetry, and an audio and video archive.

Île en île will remain online, but is transitioning in 2020 to become a fixed archive. This is an opportune moment for this group of scholars to address the evolution of scholarly research and pedagogical methods of Francophone Studies, in geography, technology, and with parallel fields of the humanities. Join scholars Régine Michelle Jean-CharlesFrançoise LionnetThomas C. Spear, and Alex Gil who will address the transformations that have taken place in the last decades in the field of Francophone Studies as well as with the digital resources available to scholars, students, readers, and teachers.

Île en île features authors from French-speaking islands and their diaspora: from the Caribbean (Guadeloupe, Martinique, Haiti, and continental French Guiana), from the Indian Ocean (the Comoros – including Mayotte –, Madagascar, Mauritius and La Réunion), and from the South Pacific (New Caledonia and Polynesia).

See participants below:

Continue reading Upcoming Event – Of Islands & Archives: Celebrating Île en île and World Literature in French

Upcoming Event: The Caribbean Digital VII – Virtual Symposium

The Caribbean Digital VII
Build: October – December 2020
Launch: 4 December 2020 at 1:00-2:00pm (EST) – Register here

This year, the seventh annual Caribbean Digital event will be held virtually, with a synchronous virtual gathering on 4 December, from 1p-2p, and three asynchronous digital community projects:

The Directory of Caribbean Digital Scholarship is a collaborative curation of digital resources concerning the Caribbean and its diasporas. The project engages the community in compiling entries in an open, shared online dataset. To suggest projects for inclusion in the Directory, you are invited to add links and annotations to the master spreadsheet between October 26 and November 20. 

The Collective Annotation of Aimé Césaire’s Notebook of a Return to My Native Land, will run November 16 to 20. This event offers participants the opportunity to engage Césaire’s work in ways that will generate an original textual artifact. Please sign up here to receive timely information regarding participation in this venture.

The Keyword Collection for Caribbean Studies, initiates a collaborative exploration of words that serve as rich sites for research and pedagogy in Caribbean Studies. This collection is intended to be the beginning of a project that will grow with future Caribbean Digital events.

Please contact the organizers – Kaiama L. Glover, Alex Gil, and Kelly Baker Josephs – at [email protected] if you have questions and/or wish to participate. All three ventures will be launched synchronously at the Caribbean Digital event on 4 December 2020, 1p-2p, which you can register for here.