The Meaning of Blackness / Significance of Being Black
University of Costa Rica
San Pedro, Costa Rica
3-6 February 2014
Keynote addresses by Henry Louis Gates, Jr., Sir Hilary Beckles, Toyin Falola, and Paul E. Lovejoy
CFP deadline: Not noted. Please contact Paul Lovejoy <[email protected]> for more information.
Proposals for papers will only be considered if they fit within one of the themes. Proposals must be accompanied by an abstract and short c.v.
Hispanic America and Perceptions of Blacks in the Nation
- Costa Rica, Central America and the Caribbean: Perceptions of Blackness
- Arts, Literature, Music, and Dance in Popular Imagination
- Economic and Political Expressions of Blackness
Blackness in the Global Context
- Skin Color in Establishing Social Distance
- Scarification, Hair, Skin and Image
- Definitions of Mulatto, Pardo, Ladino, Nigger, and Noir
Identity, Dignity and Citizenship
- Biographical Accounts of Blackness
- Church, State and the Legal Code on Blackness
- Dissemination of Knowledge of Africanity
Rina Cáceres, Cátedra de Estudios de África y el Caribe, Universidad de Costa Rica/ [email protected]
Paul E. Lovejoy, Chair in African Diaspora History, York University/ [email protected]
Above adapted from H-NET CFP available here.
Diana, The deadline was not noted on the announcement I received. Please contact Paul Lovejoy for more information.
What is the deadline for the submission of abstracts? diana
Unfortunately, that info wasn’t available on the CFP I received. Please contact Paul Lovejoy for more information.
Greetings, when is the deadline for submission?